chapter three

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                           - 26th June 2018 -

Ryujin waited patiently outside Yeji's apartment door. She tried to beat the rain from the convenience store however she stood there soaking wet. Her hand was holding a bag full of Yeji's favourite snacks.

She was aware Yeji had been staying up studying for her final exams all week. Yeji's mother was also working overnights at the hospital and her father was away on a business trip.

Yeji answered the door with an excited smile, her cat-like eyes forming thin lines. Though her smile dropped as soon as she saw Ryujin's appearance. She rolled her eyes and dragged Ryujin inside her apartment.

"Do you want to tell me why your face is all bloody?". Yeji asked with crossed arms and glaring eyes.

Ryujin smirked and kicked her shoes off. It was just a typical night for her and Chris. Running around the city wreaking havoc.

"Technically it wasn't a fight...". Ryujin started to explain but Yeji snatched the bag of snacks out of her hands and walked off. Ryujin pushed her tongue towards her cheek trying to hide her smile.

Angry Yeji was always cute to Ryujin.

"As I was saying... It was just a little scuffle!". Ryujin continued and shrugged her leather jacket off her shoulders. She met Yeji in her room.

"You should see the other guy". Ryujin tried to joke and Yeji responded by chucking a towel at her.

"Are you mad?". Ryujin asked observing the girl in front of her while she dried her hair.

Yeji's shoulders were tensed up and her lips were pouted. Clear signs that she was indeed not happy with her.

"You're clenching your fists. You're mad at me". Ryujin concluded and Yeji gave her an annoyed look before huffing past her.

Ryujin walked towards Yeji's wardrobe and picked out a pair of sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. She assumed Yeji wouldn't mind her borrowing her things. She'd just scold her for staying in her drenched clothes anyway.

Yeji made her way back into her bedroom with a first aid kit and stopped in her tracks at the sight before her. Ryujin was standing with her back turned to her and Yeji's eyes trailed down Ryujin's shirtless body.

Yeji didn't mean to stare. She couldn't help herself but gawk.

She noticed how toned and muscular she had become and it surprised her. She bit her bottom lip when she watched Ryujin's bicep slip through the sleeve of her shirt. She guessed Chris forcing Ryujin to go to the gym with him had paid off.

She cleared her throat and walked up to Ryujin. She pushed Ryujin to sit on her bed with her hand against her stomach. Yeji's eyebrows raised when she could feel her abs underneath her palm. Being impressed was an understatement.

She rested on her knees to unpack the first aid kit. Ryujin watched a concentrated Yeji reading the labels of all the medical products. She looked down and saw that Yeji still had her hand against her stomach. Her heart fluttered at the sight. Yeji then removed it to unscrew the antiseptic cream.

They met eyes and Ryujin could feel the world stop. Yeji gave her a smile and continued to tend to her injuries. Yeji carefully dabbed away at the cut on Ryujin's lip.

"Aren't I lucky that your mum is a nurse". Ryujin chuckled.

"Aren't you lucky that I'm here to care for you". Yeji replied still focused on tending to the others lip.

"Don't move your lips". Yeji slapped Ryujin's arm.

Ryujin could feel Yeji's breath slightly hit her face and the heat radiating off from her. She could also smell her body lotion and shampoo. She saw the beautiful aura around her.

In that moment things became clear for Ryujin. She felt like she was in fight or flight mode when she came to the realisation that she was definitely falling for her best friend.

"Are you okay?". Yeji asked with a face full of concern. Ryujin didn't answer.

"Am I hurting you?". Yeji asked again and removed her hand from Ryujin's face.

"No". Ryujin sighed with a shaky breath and avoided to make eye contact. Yeji furrowed her eyebrows obviously sensing that something was wrong.

Ryujin wanted the ground to swallow her up. She couldn't get herself to calm down. She wanted to run away. She couldn't feel like that towards Yeji.

It was wrong.

After a while Yeji continued to tend at Ryujin's injuries and cleaned her face off. As soon as Yeji stood up, Ryujin dropped her head into her hands. She winced when she rubbed her eye because she could feel how tender it was. A bruise was definitely forming from the fight she had earlier.

She watched Yeji pack away the first aid kit and turn her attention away from her and to her phone instead. She watched Yeji's lips turn up into a smile. Yeji laughed to herself and started to type away on her phone.

Ryujin took a deep breath not wanting to know who would be behind that smile. Ryujin never could pin point why she'd get jealous at any guy that would try to peruse Yeji. Yet it all makes sense now. She wasn't being an overprotective friend. She was just being a lovesick freak.

Ryujin cursed and stood up causing Yeji's attention to go back to her. Ryujin picked up her jacket and Yeji grabbed at the sleeve of her shirt.

"Where are you going?". Yeji asked startled at Ryujin's sudden action.

Ryujin refused to turn around.

"I think I should go". Ryujin mumbled.

"No, you can stay here. My mum won't mind, she'd be happy to see you". Yeji reassured her friend and stepped in front of her.

"Wait...". Yeji trailed off scanning her face.

"Are you crying Ryu?". Yeji questioned worryingly and placed her hands on Ryujin's shoulders. Yeji saw a pained expression looking back at her. Her brown eyes filled with tears.

"Yeji, I'm sorry but I need to go". Ryujin took a step forward but Yeji stopped her.

"I know this time of year is hard for you, Ryu. I know you're hurting. We can always try the police again to investigate about your father".

"No, Yeji". Ryujin shook her head in defeat.

"It's not about that".

"Then talk to me! What is it about?". Yeji begged slightly shaking Ryujin's shoulders back and forth. Ryujin hesitated for a second.

"This". Ryujin whispered and leaned in.

Yeji didn't pull back straight away.

Ryujin captured Yeji's lips in a desperate kiss.

Yeji eventually put a stop to it and pushed Ryujin away taken aback. Ryujin processed what she just did and hurried out Yeji's room ashamed. The look on Yeji's face said it all.

"Ryujin!". Yeji called out to her but found no trace of Ryujin anywhere.

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