chapter eleven

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mate... my head feels likes it's gonna explode from rereading and rewriting this over and over again. i had a lot of fun writing something out of my comfort zone. i really hope it's worth the wait.

anyways... buckle in my loves.

                               - present day -

They were both unsure about where this was going. The butterflies in Ryujin's stomach made her feel like a teenager gushing over her high school crush. Well Yeji was her high school crush.
The innocent touch was a feeling like no other. Yeji's long fingers fit just right within her own.

They entered the apartment complex hand in hand. Silent stolen glances were given in the elevator ride up to Yeji's apartment floor. It was comfortable. Being around Yeji was comfortable. Ryujin could slightly see over the wall Yeji built up for her years ago. She didn't want to get her hopes up though.

"This is me". Yeji smiled and let go of her hand. Ryujin frowned missing the feeling of her hand. Yeji unlocked her apartment door and Ryujin followed closely behind taking in her surroundings.

Yeji was always a borderline neat person. The tall windows allowed the moonlight to shine through. It was modern and very expensive looking. It suited Yeji well. It also felt homey in a way. Anywhere around Yeji felt like home to Ryujin.

Yeji held on to Ryujin's arm once again to take her heels off. Ryujin followed and slipped her feet out of her own shoes. Yeji flicked on the lights and walked towards her kitchen taking off Ryujin's jacket she borrowed.

Ryujin's eager eyes followed her every move. She felt jealous of how snug that satin black dress hugged at Yeji's body. The swaying of her hips hypnotised Ryujin.

"Do you want anything to drink?". Yeji asked over her shoulder. Ryujin snapped out of her trance and trailed after Yeji.

"I don't think I have any alcohol". Yeji looked through her cabinets. As she reached up her dress raised a tiny bit giving Ryujin a little peek of her ass. Ryujin gulped down.

"Uhh...". Ryujin scratched the back of her head feeling awkward. She tried to stop any dirty thought that came to her.

"I only have tea and coffee". Yeji turned to Ryujin.

"Tea is fine". Ryujin shrugged with a smile.

As the kettle boiled Ryujin decided to look around the apartment for a bit. She observed the family photos Yeji's had framed along her hallway wall. It reminded her that she barely had any photos of her own family.

Ryujin walked back and took a seat at the dining table waiting for Yeji. She smiled to herself when she heard Yeji mindlessly sing while she prepared the tea. She bit down at the skin of her knuckles trying to stay patient. The anticipation was eating at her. She felt nervous.

"Here". Yeji set the mugs down and took a seat across from Ryujin.

"Thank you". Ryujin grabbed a hold of her tea to keep her fidgety hands busy.

Yeji rested her elbows down on to the table causing her cleavage to display itself for Ryujin. She knew it wasn't on purpose but her eyes stayed glued there.

"Are we just going to sit here and drink tea?". Ryujin questioned and blew down on the steaming hot beverage.

"Mmm I don't really know what else there is to do". Yeji's eyes glanced around the room as she was deep in thought.

Her fingers played with the tea bag hanging out of the mug. Those innocent little actions Yeji did started to made it impossible for Ryujin to not have dirty thoughts.

Don't Wait Too Long | Ryeji (reworked)Where stories live. Discover now