chapter thirteen

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                               - present day -

Ryujin couldn't stop replaying last night in her head. On the drive to the strip club she could only think about Yeji. How addicting her lips were and how soft her skin felt under her hands. That definitive look of wanting it as badly as Ryujin did. Those dark brown pools were filled with lust and Ryujin swore she saw love within them.

It felt like a dream. Well... more like a wet dream.
It was a struggle and a half for her to try and wrap her head around it. She knew damn well that she couldn't stay just being friends. Her feelings weren't capable of being held down any longer.

Ryujin saw this as her last chance. Her last chance to play her cards right this time and hopefully get Yeji in the end. Some people might call her stupid for holding on to her feelings for so long. She could have moved on during all that time. All those one night stands and late nights out couldn't bury how strongly she still felt.

As much as she tried to convince herself that she had moved on, it was no use. She wondered if it was obvious to Yeji. She would willingly continue to endure the pain and suffering she'd feel for waiting. She would hold on to that slim chance she had at a potential romantic relationship. She only ever wanted Yeji. Ryujin has thrown the ball in her court.

Ryujin finished her cigarette before heading inside. She greeted her members and did her rounds around the club to make sure clients were behaving. It was boring without Chris. They couldn't waste time joking around like the two immature people they were. Ever since he became a father his priorities went elsewhere yet he still made time for Ryujin.

She eyed the small flock of Choi's men like a hawk. They were notorious for being assholes. Ryujin liked to describe them as a piece of gum being stuck under her shoe. They were that annoying. There was a contrast between the two triads. The Takanashi's actually had morals unlike the Choi's.

Ryujin stood against the wall as she watched one of the strippers work the pole. It was impressive how she could move her body like that.
Suddenly, commotion across the room caught her attention.

One of the Choi's had a strong hold on one of the strippers who looked unconscious. She looked so young. He group of men seemed to be arguing over something. Ryujin cracked her knuckles preparing to approach them.

"Ryujin!". Karina appeared out of no where in front of Ryujin.

Ryujin raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Hi". Ryujin quickly greeted her while looking behind her. The group of men escorted the young woman out through the back. She didn't look like she was struggling.

"I want to show you something". Karina bit her lip mischievously and took a hold of Ryujin's hand.

Before she could protest, Karina pulled her behind her. Ryujin caught one last glimpse of that girl and she looked lifeless in their arms as they dragged her outside.

"Karina, what are you doing?". Ryujin questioned as she allowed Karina to drag her behind her.the music was always blaring inside the club. So Karina probably didn't hear her.

She pushed Ryujin into one of the private dance rooms and locked the door behind her. A clueless Ryujin was now aware of what was about to happen. Karina turned around and slowly walked toward her while letting her fur coat drop to the floor.

"Karina...". Ryujin warned. She knew what was coming, she could see it in her face.

"Shh". Karina shushed her. She placed her hands on Ryujin's shoulders and slowly dragged her hands down her chest. Ryujin gulped down hard.

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