chapter six

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- 17th of July 2018 -

Yeji tried not to let it bother her too much. But not seeing or hearing from Ryujin for three weeks had made it impossible. They never spent that long apart. Of course they had disagreements and fights but it ended with one of them immediately apologising. She couldn't even focus on her studies. She just had too many thoughts and questions on her mind.

Yeji thought she only liked boys. She didn't think she had felt any sort of attraction for Ryujin let alone other girls. She thought Ryujin was pretty and had a unique personality but surely she wasn't attracted. When Yeji thought of Ryujin in a 'more than friend' way she'd shut it down real quick. Maybe because it scared her and she didn't feel that way. Maybe it was because she didn't understand it and she did feel that way.

Yeji lifted her fingers to her lips and traced her bottom lip. Ryujin's lips did feel nice against hers. A bit too nice might she add. She didn't think her first kiss would be with her best friend. Yeji felt her cheeks redden up when she remembered the way Ryujin's body looked that night when she was changing. How her muscles flexed under her skin.

Yeji tried to shake away any thoughts of Ryujin and continued to do her homework. She got near to the end until she heard her doorbell ring. Yeji checked the time on her phone confused. Her mother had the key for the front door and was working overnight. It couldn't have been her father either since he was out again on another business trip.

Yeji slowly opened the door and she felt her heart race. Ryujin stood there with a smile and a messed up face. Her eyes looked like they were glazed over. She was obviously drunk. It was like Yeji summoned her with her mind.

"Yeji-ah!". Ryujin cheered stumbling on her back foot trying to stand up straight.

"What are you doing?". Yeji asked trying to sound irritated. But it was impossible. Yeji just wanted to wrap her up into the tightest hug and save her from the world.

"Yeji I need you". Ryujin hiccuped and leaned her arm on the doorframe to help her stand. For the second time that night, Yeji felt her cheeks burn up. She mentally punched herself for thinking so dirty. And Yeji was a fairly innocent thinking girl.

"Can I come in please?". Ryujin begged with pouted lips. God those lips. Yeji easily gave in and opened the door all the way to let Ryujin walk inside.

Ryujin laughed and stumbled into Yeji's home. Yeji watched Ryujin struggle to take her shoes off. She fell to the ground and bursted out laughing. Yeji sighed and untied Ryujin's shoes for her.

"Hi". Ryujin winked at Yeji. Yeji slapped Ryujin's leg and neatly put her shoes away.

"What was that for?". Ryujin asked with raised eyebrows.

"For being stupid". Yeji answered seriously looking down at the drunken mess.

"Fine. I'll help myself up". Ryujin said struggling to get back on to her feet. Yeji didn't know what else to do but to look at her. She wondered why she had a suit on. She didn't complain though because she looked really good in one.

"You even got blood on your shirt". Yeji noticed and grabbed onto Ryujin's button up inspecting the blood splatters.

"It's not mine". Ryujin denied smiling at her with bloody teeth. She must have made someone very mad.

"Come on then". Yeji said leading the way into her room. She felt déjà vu.

"Where do you want me?". Ryujin asked next to Yeji's ear. She stood behind her, a bit too close. Her voice a tone deeper. Yeji felt her body shudder under Ryujin's breath.

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