3 | A Hug and a Quiz

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Y/N paces anxiously around her living room, overwhelmed with thoughts and worry. Where will I go? How am I going to manage without my Mom? I can't bre- Suddenly, Y/N starts to feel a wave of unfamiliar feelings, feelings that she hated, she felt her chest tighten and heart racing. She feels her palms start to sweat and her thoughts running in a loop. She sits on the floor with her legs to her chest trying to catch her breath. She starts to cry, She wanted to scream, But all she was able to get out were sobs.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door that made the girl flinch. She tries to wipe her tears and catch her breath as much as she could before opening the door to find Sheldon, the tall, clean boy from her physics class, wearing his plaid jammies. "S-Sheldon? Why are you here?" Y/N asks the boy in front of her. "As much as I don't want to be here, Missy forced me to-" the boy starts before noticing that Y/N has been crying and begins to soften up. "Are you alright?" Sheldon asks the girl concerned while Y/N wipes her tears. Y/N begins to nod but then looks down noticing herself start to shiver again so she shakes her head.

Sheldon didn't know what to do so he just blatantly embraces her in a hug. He was shocked at what he had just done. Why am I hugging her? I never hug people. Y/N finds solace in his embrace, a new experience for her, it was comforting to her. The boy being much taller than her just lets her cry on him in the doorway of Y/N's house.

When the girl finally calms herself down she decides to open up to Sheldon about her mother's situation . "I just got a phone call from my mom in jail. She was drinking and driving for the second time meaning that she may be in there for a long time" Y/N shares, with a lump in her throat trying not to cry about it again. "She says I need to find a place to stay while she's in jail. But I know that even when she gets out, she still won't take care of me.." Y/N confides in Sheldon about her struggles with her mother's behavior and neglect, revealing the challenges she's faced alone. Sheldon listens. He never thought he'd feel sympathy for someone, but this girl is..different.

"This must be incredibly tough for you," The boy begins, offering support. "I'm sorry that you're going through this. Despite our differences, would you like to stay at my house?"Sheldon, hesitant yet caring, extends a helping hand to ensure Y/N has a safe place to stay. Grateful, Y/N smiles and accepts his offer.

Sheldon was still wondering why he cares. As they sit next to each other on the couch, Sheldon is staring in Y/N's eyes his head filled with questions. Y/N smiles at him. "So what are you doing here anyway?" Sheldon, caught off guard. "Missy made me come to apologize, but I don't usually say sorry." Sheldon explains. With Y/N by his side, Sheldon leads the way to his house, a newfound connection forming between them.


"Oh of course you can stay here tonight sweetie, for as long as you need" Mrs. Cooper warmly offers, placing a comforting hand on Y/N's shoulder with a smile. Grateful, Y/N thanks her. "I'm so excited! we get to have so many sleepovers!" Missy exclaims, Her infectious joy elicits a chuckle from Y/N, setting the stage for many memorable nights ahead.

Missy swiftly fetches Y/N a set of cozy blankets and a pink pillow adorned with daisies, presenting them with care. "Thank you, Missy," Y/N expresses her gratitude. Missy, showing concern, offers, "Are you sure you don't want to stay in my room instead of on the couch?" Y/N politely declines, appreciating the gesture. As Y/N settles on the couch, feeling thankful for the Coopers' hospitality, especially Sheldon's unexpected kindness, she ponders his sudden change. Pushing the thought aside, she snuggles up with her pillow, attempting to sleep but finds herself restless. She tosses and turns but can't fall asleep.

She decides to get up and get some water. She walks to the kitchen and opens all of the cabinets until she finds the glasses and fills it up with water and takes a sip. Suddenly, she senses someone's presence behind her. "Hello Y/N" Y/N flinches and drops her glass on the floor in fright and turns around to see Sheldon. "Shit Sheldon, you scared me half to death!" Y/N says realizing she's broken Mrs. Coopers glass by dropping it on the floor. "Oh no," Y/N begins to pick up the pieces. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" Sheldon begins to help Y/N pick up the pieces until Y/N picks up a large piece and it cuts her palm. "Shit," Y/N winces "That is a bad word. Let me see" Sheldon grabs her hand and examines her wound. Sheldon was again shocked that he just touched someone's hand, especially someone he barely knew. Why am I touching her hand so comfortably? What's happening to me?

"I'm very sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen." Sheldon apologizes with sympathy and genuine regret. "It's okay Sheldon, what are you doing up?" The girl asks him as she sits down at the table while Sheldon gets his first aid kit. "I couldn't sleep, why are you up?" Sheldon asks while putting pressure on her wound to stop the bleeding, making Y/N wince in pain. "Same," It's quiet for a while Sheldon bandages her hand. "Sheldon?" Sheldon looks at her. "Why are you suddenly being this way to me?" "What do you mean?" The boys asks her. "Like, you were so..cold when we first met and now you're bandaging up my booboo"

Sheldon giggles Did I just giggle? I never smile. "Booboo?" Sheldon mocks "Shut up" Y/N smiles and hits him playfully. "Well, I don't know honestly, I never usually care for people's feelings, especially when I correct them when it comes to science," Sheldon states "However, I just want you to feel cared for since I know you've never gotten it from anyone. You deserve better" Sheldon softly says to the girl making her smile with a bit of sadness.

Sheldon makes eye contact with her as he realizes he has his hand on hers. His pale cheeks turn pink before he quickly removes his hand. "All done" Sheldon smiles. "Thank you Sheldon," "I really appreciate what you've done for me" Y/N smiles at the boy, Sheldon returning the smile. Sheldon cleans up the rest of the glass and puts it into the trash. "Goodnight Y/N.." Sheldon says as he walks back to his room "Night Sheldon" Y/N smiles and thinks to herself how she's never had someone be so kind to her. Sheldon makes her feel a way she's never felt before. Could I be falling for- No.. or..could I? Who knows.


Sheldon's POV
I flop down on my bed, replaying the recent events in my mind. Why did I touch her hand without thinking twice? And how did she actually manage to bring a genuine laugh out of me? What is happening to me? What's going on with me? This girl has stirred something within me, and I'm not sure how I feel about it... I mean, she's... kind of pretty? A bit. Her presence lingers in my thoughts incessantly. This girl is driving me up the wall... I must talk to Missy about this.


I wake up at 6:00am, before anyone else is awake and I go into Missy's room still in my pajamas. "Missy? Wake up!" I shake my sister. "Shut the hell up dingus get out!" my sister shouts. "Missy I need your help, It's about Y/N!" I continue to shake my sister. Missy groans "What do you want idiot?" Missy wakes up. As I gather my thoughts, I confess, "I think..I don't know but..I think I have a crush, i don't want to have a crush but it feels like it.." i explain to my sister and she smirks "I got you" Missy smirks as she walks over to her dresser and takes out her sassy magazine and sits down on her bed next to me.

Nervously fidgeting, I answer her questions from the crush quiz. "Do you think about them when they're not around?" Missy inquires, and all I can think of is Y/N. "Lately, yes," I admit. "Do you get nervous around them?" I ponder, realizing the butterflies and racing heart Y/N brings. "Yes, very," I reply, to which Missy grins, "That is so cute!" She continues, "Do you talk about them all the time?" Reflecting, I respond, "Well... I'm talking about her right now, so, yes." Missy concludes, "That's 3 out of 3, Sheldon, you're crushing hard!" Overwhelmed, I mutter, "Oh dear... What am I going to do with a crush? What do i do now, Missy? She makes me crazy" i ask my sister and she shrugged "You should tell her, you're not going to get anywhere if you don't tell her" I nod and thank my sister and i just go back to my room and get on my computer. I am completely overwhelmed with so many different emotions and feelings..What am i going to do with myself now..

an: As Y/N's tears subsided and she found the courage to share her struggles, a new connection blossomed between them, offering a glimmer of hope in the darkness of uncertainty. Thank you for reading <3

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