5 | A Softie and a Train Set

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Third Person POV
The atmosphere grew tense and awkward for the remainder of the day. While Meemaw and Sheldon's siblings were proud of Sheldon's behavior, his parents appeared disappointed. Sheldon's father tried to avoid eye contact and interaction with Sheldon, clearly upset. "Time for grace," Mrs. Cooper declared as everyone linked hands. Y/N's eyes widened as she noticed Sheldon reaching for her hand without his mittens. As Mrs. Cooper started to pray, Y/N smiled to herself, a faint blush tinting her cheeks, realizing that Sheldon holding her hand without his mittens meant a lot to him. "Amen," Mrs. Cooper concluded the prayer, as Y/N shared a smile with Sheldon, who smiled back.

"So, how did everyone's day go?" Meemaw asked with a bit of awkwardness in the air. Missy was the only one who responded, "It was awesome when I heard that Sheldon stood up for Y/N!" Missy exclaimed, while George started to look more upset. Y/N quickly whispered, "Missy!" trying to quiet her down before George chimed in, "It's not good to get suspended. You should have known better, Sheldon. I'm really disappointed." George's voice was firm. Y/N felt embarrassed, almost as if she was the cause of Sheldon's suspension. Mrs. Cooper added, "He's right. You shouldn't have started a conflict with that boy, Sheldon. You need to apologize." Mrs. Cooper's demand left Y/N stunned. Sheldon retorted, "I'm not apologizing. If anything, he should be apologizing to Y/N." Sheldon stood his ground. George warned, "If you don't apologize, you'll be grounded." Sheldon's frustration peaked, "Fine!" he yelled before storming off and slamming the door.

Y/N's polite request to Mrs. Cooper for permission to leave the table was met with a nod. Carrying her plate to the kitchen, she set it down and swiftly made her way to Sheldon's room. Knocking on the door, she called out to him. "Sheldon?" His shaky voice responded, "Go away!" Undeterred, Y/N pleaded, "Sheldon, please let me in." After a moment, Sheldon reluctantly opened the door, revealing his visible distress. Y/N's heart went out to him, and she offered him comfort, pulling him into a hug as he leaned into her, finding solace in her embrace. Him being much taller than her, rests his head on top of hers.

Y/N enters Sheldon's room for the first time, her eyes scanning the walls adorned with posters of scientific legends like Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and Professor Proton. She smiles as she turns around, she spots Sheldon's impressive train set and dashes over, bubbling with excitement. "Are these all your trains!?" she exclaims, her grin infectious. Sheldon, pleasantly surprised by her enthusiasm, responds, "Yes, do you like trains?" Y/N's eyes light up, "I LOVE trains! Trains have this captivating way of linking people and places, don't you agree?" Sheldon's smile widens at her genuine fascination, as he's never had a friend with such a fascination with trains as he does.

"Yes! Trains have this incredible way of opening up new adventures and experiences, don't you think?" Sheldon inquires, intrigued by the girl's train journey stories. "Definitely, one time I took a train through the mountains with my mom, the views were absolutely breathtaking!" Y/N explained, her smile reflecting the cherished memories of laughter and joy with her mother. However, a shadow crosses her face as she realizes the changes since her mom started drinking. Longing for those carefree days again, Y/N feels a wave of emotion welling up, unnoticed tears threatening to escape. "Hey, are you okay?" Sheldon's voice breaks through her thoughts, his concern obvious as he reaches out a comforting hand. Quickly pulling herself together, Y/N wipes away the tears, mustering a smile, "Yes, I'm fine."

"So what about you? Do you have any train memories?" Y/N and Sheldon excitedly talk about their most memorable train rides, sharing stories of scenic routes. "Imagine all the places we could see on train rides together! Sheldon says. "It sounds incredible!" Y/N responds with enthusiasm. Sheldon smiles, gazing into the girl's eyes, feeling grateful to have someone by his side.

After a night filled with endless laughter, Sheldon and Y/N found themselves deep into a moment so captivating that time slipped away unnoticed, the clock ticking past midnight. "Whoa, it's already the next day?" Sheldon remarked, a realization dawning on him. "I guess so. Thank you for this, Sheldon," Y/N expressed, her smile glowing warmth. "I had a lot of fun. I'll let you get some rest now. Goodnight, Sheldon," she said, preparing to leave his room. Sheldon, not ready for the night to end, mustered the courage to speak up, "Wait, Y/N?" Catching her attention, he continued, "I feel bad you're on the couch... Would you like to share my bed?" Y/N's face lit up with joy, "Absolutely, Lee," she replied, recalling his nickname, causing Sheldon to blush slightly as they settled in together on Sheldon's comfy bed.

Lying face to face on their sides, the two gazed into each other's eyes on Sheldon's bed. Sheldon gently reached out and touched Y/N's hair, causing a flinch from her, as no one had ever gotten so close to her face before. "Oh, I'm sorry," Sheldon apologized, pulling back, feeling remorseful. "No, it's okay," Y/N reassured, beginning to feel more at ease around the boy. Sheldon extended his hand once more, gently tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, causing her cheeks to flush. "You're really pretty," Sheldon complimented, the words slipping out before he realized it. Y/N's eyes widened as no one has ever said that to her, smiles. "Thanks, you aren't too bad yourself, Lee." Y/N compliments the boy causing a slight blush to appear on his cheeks, smiling. "Y/N, there's something i need to tell you." Sheldon begins, his heart starting to race in nervousness. "Yeah?" "I-"

Before Sheldon could get another word out, his door flies open, showing Missy. "oh..my GOSH!" Missy exclaims before quietly squealing in excitement trying to contain her excitement and not wake the rest of the family. "You two are in bed together!" she whisper-yelled enthusiastically, prompting Sheldon to scold her and throw a pillow in her direction. "Get out, Missy!" Sheldon fusses before Missy closes the door and leaves. "What were you going to say, Sheldon?" Y/N inquired, eager to hear his thoughts. "Nothing important," Sheldon replied with a yawn, shifting to get comfortable. Disappointed, Y/N groaned softly, turned away, and closed her eyes.

After a few minutes, Sheldon had a change of heart. Sheldon, feeling a surge of affection, turned back towards Y/N. Gently, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close as he nestled in behind her, spooning her. The intimate gesture brought a warm smile to Y/N's face, feeling the comfort and closeness of the moment.

an: who knew sheldon could be so soft? thank you for reading <3

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