13 | A Snowball and a Hot Beverage

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It's a cozy Saturday night, getting ready to fall asleep, snuggled up in Lee's comfy bed, engrossed in one of his books. Some of his reads are captivating while others are literally so boring. Wrapped in a thick blue blanket, basking in the warmth of the heater as the chill of the winter night starts to steep in. Winter, my absolute favorite season, is slowly making its presence known, filling me with anticipation. It's been two weeks since Sheldon mentions he's heading off to college. I'm still adjusting to the idea, but with just a few days left before he leaves, I'm trying to prepare myself. I know i'm going to miss him. He's been making a genuine effort to cheer me up by treating me to my favorite things daily, which is incredibly thoughtful, but unfortunately, it doesn't alter the situation.

I'm lying in Lee's bed, gazing at the ceiling adorned with glow in the dark stars that I placed. "Hey Y/N/N, I brought you a hot beverage," Sheldon announces as he enters, holding a mug wearing his mittens. It seems like Sheldon's way of showing love is through hot beverages. As I reach for the mug, he quickly intervenes, "Wait! You need to wear the mittens because it's hot!" Sheldon insists, placing the mug down and passing me his mittens. His gesture is adorable. I can't help but grin. I accept the mug gratefully and show my appreciation with a kiss on his cheek.

With everything happening with Sheldon, my mind kept drifting to my Mom. It's been a while since i've talked to her, and I have no idea how she's doing. I know I shouldn't care, but she's the only family I have left that I'm aware of. I've been contemplating visiting her, But maybe I shouldn't. Should I? I don't know. Ugh, it's going to be so difficult without Sheldon.

"Sweet dreams, Lee." I whisper as I plant a gentle kiss on his cheek, nesting into his cozy sheets and resting my head. "Goodnight, My lady." (an: YUPPP) He murmurs as he cuddles up behind me, setting my hot beverage on the side table. Feeling pure bliss with his arms encircling me and his blankets enveloping us both.

As the first light of dawn filters through the curtains, Lee and I slowly awaken to a serene silence. I stretch lazily, feeling the warmth of his embrace still lingering. Suddenly, a soft, gentle glow catches my eye, and I turn to see delicate snowflakes dancing outside the window.

Excitement bubbles within me as I nudge Lee gently "Wake up, It's snowing!" His eyes widen with childlike wonder as he gazes at the window wonderland unfolding before us. We quickly bundle up in cozy layers, eager to step outside and feel the crisp, cold air on our faces.

"Hurry up!" I urge Sheldon as he's still getting his scarf on. Grabbing his hand, I lead him outside where white snowflakes are beginning to drift down once more. A smile spreads across my face as I take in the snowy scene, while Sheldon shivers in the cold air.

Releasing his hand, I stand and gaze up at the snowflakes that land softly in my hair. I can't help but smile as they touch my face, melting on my pink lips. There's something magical about snow, the way it blankets the world in white.

The quietness that comes with snowfall makes it feel like time has paused. Glancing over at Sheldon, who's still under the porch, it seems like he's admiring me. "What?" I ask, walking towards him with a grin, and he smirks. I notice he's hiding something behind his back as he approaches me. "You're so beautiful," he says, causing my cheeks to flush. Leaning in for a kiss, I close my eyes. He then steps back and playfully throws a snowball at me.

"Sheldon Lee Cooper!" I exclaim before playfully tackling him into the snow, grabbing handfuls of snow to form a large snowball and tossing it at him. "Okay, okay!" "Truce?" he offers, raising his hands. With rosy cheeks and slightly chapped lips from the cold, he leans in for a kiss, the falling snow adding to the moment. The warmth of his lips against mine is comforting. "Come on, let's have some hot chocolate," he suggests, extending his hand to me.


"Here you go, My lady," Lee says as he hands me a mug of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream and cinnamon. I express my gratitude, taking a sip and resting my head on his shoulder. Nothing fills me with more joy than this moment. 

Our warm moment was interrupted by the phone loudly ringing. Suddenly, I see Missy walk out of her room "I'll get it" She takes the phone and puts it to her ear. "Oh..It's for you dingus" Missy says to Sheldon before going back into her room. Sheldon picks up the phone in the living room. "Hello?..Hey Paige" Sheldon says. Why is she calling him? What does she want?

"Okay, Bye." Sheldon ends the call before placing the phone back down. "What was that about?" I ask him. "She heard about me going to ETT and apparently she goes there now too." Sheldon explains and I can feel myself get a bit more nervous. I trust Sheldon, but Paige seems a bit..flirty with him? "Are you alright?" He asks before placing his hand on mind as i send him a nod.

an: thank you for reading, im sorry i havent been updating as much, ive been so busy with school and things. and im still trying to find more ideas, pls lmk if this story is getting boring bc i feel like it is 😭

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