10 | A Feeling and a Talk

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Y/N's POV:
My eyes flutter opened at the sight of Sheldon behind me. His breath hitting my cheek as his eyes are closed, he's so peaceful. I notice his eyes slightly open before he smiles at me. I notice him start to frown a bit. "Are you okay, Lee?" I ask him concerned before he nods. "I have to tell you something.." He says causing me to get a bit nervous "Okay, what is it?" I ask him as I sit up in his bed. "I..I think I-" Sheldon starts before his door goes flying opened revealing Mr. and Mrs. Cooper with very angry expressions on their faces. "Sheldon, where is your sister?" Mrs. Cooper asks with her hands on her hips obviously very upset. Oh no, she knows about last night.. "She is at Paige's house" Sheldon says to his mother. "Why didn't she call me?" Mrs. Cooper says before leaving his room. "I'm going to kill that girl," Mr. Cooper starts as he starts to walk out, "And get above the covers you two, now." Mr Cooper says before leaving. "So what did you need to tell me, Sheldon?" I ask the boy before he looks down getting obviously nervous. "I was just going to say that i am nervous about going back to school soon." He explains. I know that isn't what he was going to tell me, but i didn't want to push it. I place my hand on his, trying to console him. "It's okay, You will be with me, there's nothing to be nervous about." I tell him before leaning in to kiss his cheek. He smiles and blushes before thanking me.

I take the covers off of me and get out of Sheldon's bed before going into his closet. Among his checkered shirts and bow ties, I spot a blue sweatshirt with Albert Einstein on it. I grab it, pull it over my head, and feel my hair frizz up. Sheldon smiles at me as I wear his sweatshirt, which is a bit oversized and incredibly cozy, smelling just like him. I give him a twirl to show off the look. "You look beautiful," he says, reaching out his hand. I take it, and he gently turns me around. I can't help but smile at his flushed face. With his hands on my hips and our foreheads touching, I can't help but adore every little thing about him. The way he makes me feel is indescribable, so unique and special.

"Kids, breakfast!" Mrs. Cooper's voice rings out from the kitchen, breaking the moment. Sheldon and I walk hand in hand towards the kitchen, letting go just before entering. I notice MeeMaw sitting at the table. "What the hell?" she exclaims, catching everyone's attention. "Is that Sheldon's sweatshirt I got him?" she asks me. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't..." I start, but she cuts me off, "No no, it's adorable! I didn't know you two were a thing!" Her excitement makes me blush and look down, realizing Mr. and Mrs. Cooper overheard. "Um, a thing?" Mrs. Cooper questions Sheldon. "MeeMaw!" Sheldon whispers sharply. "Whoops!" MeeMaw realizes. "Sheldon, you know you're not supposed to..." Mrs. Cooper begins before the door opens. "I'm home!" Missy's voice announces as she enters the kitchen. "Hey," Missy greets everyone. "Young lady, why didn't you tell me you were going to Paige's house last night?" Mrs. Cooper scolds Missy, who remains silent, knowing she snuck out. "You are grounded!" Mrs. Cooper declares to Missy as I sip my coffee and sit next to Sheldon at the table. I catch him smirking at me, and my stomach fills with butterflies as my cheeks turn red. This boy drives me crazy.

Missy just rolls her eyes and heads to her room. I start to feel guilty; it was my idea to go to the party. The guilt hits me hard for lying to the Coopers after all they've done for me. As I dwell on this, Sheldon's hand gently rests on my knee, and a strange feeling washes over me. My stomach is full of butterflies, and I try to conceal my smile and blushing cheeks. How does he have this effect on me? It's like, when I'm around Lee, my heart races, and I feel all flustered, you know? It's a mix of excitement and nervousness that's hard to explain. Maybe it's just a crush, but it's confusing not knowing what it really means. I've never experienced this before, and it's frustrating not understanding this feeling.

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My mind is still buzzing with questions, trying to figure out what this feeling is. I mean, I know I like him a lot, but it feels like there's more to it, and I just can't put it into words. We were chilling on the couch, watching Star Trek, Sheldon's hand resting on my shoulder. Georgie walks in looking stressed, heading straight to his garage. "Are you okay, Georgie?" I ask, worried. "Uh... Yeah... No... I don't know," he stutters before heading to the backyard. I feel for him, he seems like he needs someone to talk to. Even though I don't know him well, I want to be there for him. "I'll be right back," I tell Lee, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. As I walk towards the backyard, I can feel Lee's eyes on me from behind. When I catch him looking, he quickly glances away, his face turning red. "What are you looking at?" I tease, knowing exactly what caught his eye. "Nothing," he mutters, looking flustered. Who knew Sheldon was so whipped. I can't help but smirk to myself as I head towards the garage.

I stroll up to the garage, feeling the need to pour my heart out to someone. I knock on the door, and Georgie's voice responds, "Yeah?" "Hey, it's Y/N. Do you mind if I come in?" I inquire before he opens the door. I can sense his stress. "I noticed you seem a bit tense. Do you want to talk?" I ask. After some hesitation, he nods and allows me inside. "I like your garage, it's cute," he smiles. "Thanks," I settle into a chair while he perches on his bed. "So, what's up?" I prompt, observing his increasing stress as he fiddles with his hair. "Well, I've had a rough week," he begins, and I nod, showing I'm all ears. "And I... well, I..." He struggles to get the words out, burying his face in his hands. "Hey, it's okay, you don't have to tell me, but I'm here for you," I reassure him with a smile. "I got a girl pregnant!" he blurts out.

I am lost for words, my mouth hangs open in shock as I gaze at him. "Uh oh..." I manage to utter. Isn't he 17? Could this situation have a silver lining though? "Can you say something else? You're the only one I've told," Georgie pleads. "Right, I'm sorry... It's going to be okay, Georgie. Is she going through with it?" I inquire. "Yes! and... uh..." he begins. "And!?" I press, eager to hear more. "She's... 29. I lied to her about my age," he admits softly. "Georgie!" I exclaim. "Y/N!" he retorts. "Okay, I'm sorry! I just... I don't know what to say," we fall into a brief silence before I continue, "Georgie, I believe you'll be an amazing dad. But you should probably start by telling your parents." He groans at the thought. I sympathize with him, it must be overwhelming. I rise from my chair and sit beside him. Unsure of what else to do, I simply pull him into a hug. "Thanks. So, is there anything you needed to talk about?" he asks, starting to calm down. "Well... You know that me and Sheldon are... like..." I begin. "Yes, I know," he acknowledges, understanding the situation. "So, like, I know I'm into him, but it's like more than just liking him, you know? It's this weird feeling I can't quite explain, it's just..." I begin before he cuts in. "Ah, got it... you love him," Georgie states confidently. "WHAT!?" I exclaim loudly. "I- No- What? I don't think so!" I stumble, still feeling confused. "Y/N, it's cool. I've been there. Sounds like love to me," he clarifies. My heart races, feeling overwhelmed. "But, that's kinda scary..." I admit, looking at him. "I get it. I bet he feels the same way. You should tell him," Georgie suggests. "Okay, I'll tell Sheldon if you tell your parents," I propose. "Deal," Georgie agrees. I really do love Sheldon Lee Cooper...

an: i'm sorry.. 1K READS!? HELLO!? THANK YOU SO MUCH! also i'm sorry that it has been a few days since i've uploaded. ive been dealing with a lot lately. but i hope you all loved this chapter, i will try to upload as much as i can :).


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