Chapter 1 - The Recruitment

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Zela: "It's such a lovely day to sleep."

Zela's Mom (Valentina): "Zela, honey, it's time to wake up."

Zela: "But mom, it's so early."

Valentina: "I know, sweetie, but remember our family is coming over in a few hours, and we have to make sure the place is absolutely perfect."

Zela: "Ugh! Ok, mom."

"Zela got furious about having to get out of bed to help her mom clean up, but if not her, who else? As the day went by, a mysterious strange letter kept hitting the outside window downstairs."

Valentina: "Now, this is odd. Let me open the window and see who this letter belongs to."

"The letter, which is called 'The Howler,' mysteriously starts to float and form lips that began to speak."

The Howler: "Good day, Mr. and Mrs. Romero. I am Professor Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am here to tell you that your daughter Zela Romero has been accepted into Hogwarts. I know this might seem very odd, or worse, weird, but I assure you that Zela is in good hands, and everything will be explained to you soon when Professor McGonagall arrives to assist your daughter. Goodbye."

Valentina: "Jax! Jax! Wake up."

Jax (Zela's Dad): "Yes, honey, I'm coming."

Jax: "What is it?"

Valentina: "A very strange letter was just talking about Zela being accepted into a school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and that a Professor will be here to explain everything."

Jax: "What? This is insane."

"The family then heard a very loud knocking at the door."

Professor McGonagall: "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Romero. I am Professor McGonagall, and I am here to explain everything and will be escorting Ms. Zela to Hogwarts immediately."

"Zela's parents were in shock, but they let Professor McGonagall say what she had to. Afterwards, the couple was still not sure about it, but they thought it was for the best interest of Zela since she loves magical things. Interesting, isn't it?"

Valentina: "Zela dear, you have been so quiet. Are you alright?"

Zela: "Yes, mom, just a lot to take in at the moment, I'm afraid."

Professor McGonagall: "I understand how you are feeling, Ms. Zela, but you will be alright, and that's a promise."

Jax: "I don't even know what to say, but where do we go from here, Professor?"

Professor McGonagall: "To Diagon Alley, of course."

Valentina: "To where?"

Professor McGonagall: "Diagon Alley laughs."

Professor McGonagall: "It's a place where young witches and wizards, even the old, go to shop for magical and normal things."

Jax: "Oh."

"The atmosphere began to get a little weary, but the professor did shed some light onto the family by saying it's completely safe."

Professor McGonagall: "I'm afraid I have not long to stay here, and I need Zela to be ready for the sorting ceremony in a few hours."

Professor McGonagall: "Zela has to be the only one to come with me as of right now, of course, because the Wizarding World is not that open to Muggles as of right now."

Zela: "Muggles?"

Professor McGonagall: "Yes, those who do not possess magic or do not come from a Wizarding family are called Muggles."

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