Chapter 2: Charms

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Zela: "Oh my gosh, what was that?"

Choi: "It's one of the forbidden curses, the killing curse, and it's instant death."

Amelia: "I thought we were safe here," started to cry.

[Zela and Choi then went to comfort Amelia as she was distraught by what had happened, especially since she had just entered Hogwarts. Professor Filius Flitwick, who is in charge of Ravenclaw, then came to the children's aid and assured them they were safe, although he did not disclose what had led to the incident in the corridors.]

Professor Flitwick: "Students, do not fret; you are safe, and that's all that matters. It's best that you head to bed now because all your classes begin tomorrow, and you don't want to be late."

Professor Flitwick: "Everything is under control, I promise."

Zela: "Under control, huh?" she mumbled.

Ravenclaw Students: "Ok, Professor Flitwick."

Professor Flitwick: "Off to bed you go now."

[The students then went to their sleeping quarters as the professor chanted a protection spell on them.]

Zela: "What is the professor not telling us?"

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Zela: "What is the professor not telling us?"

Amelia: "I asked myself the same thing."

Choi: "Yeah, this is strange, and we need to get to the bottom of this. What do you say?"

Zela: "I'm in."

Amelia: "You know I'm in too."

Choi: "Okay, we'll figure all of this out when all classes are done tomorrow."

Zela & Amelia: "Ok!"

[All three girls knew something bad had happened as the curse was not a friendly one, and they refused to be blindsided.]

[The morning came, and everyone was awake, but shockingly, no one was talking about what had happened the previous night.]

Amelia: "This is strange. Why is everyone so happy?"

Choi: "I really don't know, but as I said, we will get to the bottom of this, and that's a promise."

Zela: "Right on, but let's get to class before it's too late."

Choi: "Ha-ha, yes," with a smile.

Amelia: "I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. What a day it will be."

Zela: "Don't worry, friend. We're with you through it all, no skips."

[The girls began to look at their timetable for the semester and were really excited.]

Zela: "Ooh."

Choi: "We have seven classes for today? That's insane!"

Amelia: "No, we don't, silly. The seven classes are what we would be completing for the whole semester, but we'll have 2 or 3 of them every day, and they seem pretty long too. I'm sure you saw the duration for each."

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