Chapter 6: Lessons Learned

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Professor Douglas: "Best you come with me, dear, and explain what you're experiencing."

Zela: "Ok, Professor Douglas," as she wipes the tears from her eyes.

"Professor Douglas escorted Zela to her quarters, offering her a remedy for the persistent headache she had mentioned. However, the perceptive professor sensed that there was more to Zela's distress than met the eye, prompting her to delve deeper.

Professor Douglas: "Miss Romero, it seems as if you're not telling me all I need to know, as if you are hiding something."

Zela: "I-I-I, you're right, Professor. I haven't been completely forthcoming. The headache I've been experiencing is accompanied by unsettling visions. I keep hearing ominous murmurs of the Dark One's impending arrival and cryptic mentions of a promised fate. Moreover, I am plagued by elusive images of the Dark One, obscured yet unsettlingly present, along with the enigmatic figure who warns me against placing trust in anyone."

Professor Douglas: "The Dark One?"

Zela: "Yes, who is the Dark One?"

Professor Douglas: "The Dark One, as he's commonly referred to, is a malevolent demon of ancient legend, steeped in darkness and dread. His insidious ambition lies in the perverse amalgamation of magical creatures, particularly witches, driven by an insatiable thirst for power and dominion. Banished by the most formidable practitioners of the magical arts for his abhorrent transgressions, he schemes to forge an army and ascend to a tyrannical reign. Those who pledge allegiance to him, whether human or witch, are lured by promises of forbidden knowledge and untold might. His very presence poses an existential threat to all who oppose him, his nefarious machinations augmented by his formidable prowess in mental manipulation."

Zela: "But why is he after me?"

Professor Douglas: "That, I cannot definitively say. However, exercise utmost caution, and confide in none until further notice, understood?"

Zela: "Ok, Professor," her curiosity piqued.

Professor Douglas: "You know I could assist you in fortifying your defenses. My expertise spans not only potioncraft but also a comprehensive repertoire of defensive spells."

Zela: "Truly, Professor?"

Professor Douglas: "Indeed. Would you consider attending evening sessions for instruction?"

Zela: "Professor, that's truly remarkable. I am genuinely interested in learning from you."

Professor Douglas: "Excellent. Let's commence our lessons tomorrow. And remember, keep our arrangement confidential."

Zela: "Of course, Professor. I won't breathe a word."

Professor Douglas: "Very well, Miss Romero. It's getting late. You should head to bed now, considering your classes tomorrow."

Zela: "You're right, Professor. Goodnight."

Professor Douglas: "Goodnight, Miss Romero."

"Zela returned to the Ravenclaw dormitory, finding Amelia and Choi already asleep. She reflected on the Professor's words about the Dark One and their upcoming private lessons. Morning arrived, with Choi's customary wake-up call prompting their banter. When asked about her late return, Zela improvised a story about losing track of time in the library. After breakfast, they prepared for their first class, Defense Against the Dark Arts, only to be surprised by Professor Douglas's presence as their instructor."

Professor Douglas: "Good morning, class."

Students: "Good morning, Professor Douglas!" they shout enthusiastically

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