Chapter 4: Spellbound Endings: Year 1 Epilogue

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"It's been two and a half terms since the girls emerged victorious in their initial clash with Nebula and her allies. They've not only honed their magical skills but also amassed knowledge and house points from their rigorous attendance in various classes, as befitting Ravenclaws. Yet, amidst their achievements, one elusive mystery persists—the events of their inaugural night at Hogwarts.

Choi: "Hey guys, any progress on uncovering what truly transpired that fateful night?"

Zela: "Unfortunately, I keep hitting dead ends.

" Amelia: "Same here."

Choi: "Remember overhearing those girls discussing a death during the sorting ceremony?"

Zela: "Yes, I recall."

Amelia: "But we don't know them."

Zela: "No, but perhaps we can acquaint ourselves."

Amelia: "Alright, might as well give it a try."

Choi: "Since classes are done for the day, now's the perfect time to seek answers."

Amelia: "Great idea!"

Zela: "I concur."

Choi: "Since they're fellow Ravenclaws, tracking them down shouldn't be too challenging."

Zela: "Let's find them. We've been left in the dark for far too long."

Amelia: "Indeed, Zela. We're determined to unravel this mystery before the year concludes."

Choi: "Look, there they are!"

"The girls hurried over to their Ravenclaw peers engaged in a discussion about the tragic incident, known only to a select few. Upon Zela, Amelia, and Choi's approach, their fellow students wore skeptical expressions, clearly questioning their motives"

Zela: "There's no need for hostility. We're simply seeking answers about the events of the sorting ceremony."

Tracy (Ravenclaw student #1): "Ah, the incident involving the Mudblood boy. It's been the talk of the castle."

Destiny (Ravenclaw student): "Indeed, it appears Mudbloods at Hogwarts are once again facing discrimination. It's not the first instance, and I advise caution, especially for you, Choi."

Choi: "Hey, watch your language! Using that term to demean witches is utterly wrong, and you know it."

Tracy: "There shouldn't be any Mudbloods mingling among us Purebloods. Yeah, I said it. And what are you going to do about it?"

Zela: "Tracy, instead of concerning yourself with non-magical lineage, perhaps invest in a treadmill to shed some pounds."

Amelia: "You're starting to resemble a hippo."

Tracy: "That's not funny."

Zela: "You know what else isn't funny? Using derogatory terms like 'Mudblood.'"

Tracy: "Whatever. Watch your back." She hisses at Zela

The trio then walks away and begins discussing the situation.

Zela: "Guys, I don't think they know anything."

Choi: "Agreed. What they said is purely hearsay."

Amelia: "So, what's our next move? It's evident something fishy is happening, yet no one seems to have answers. I just hope we don't uncover the truth when it's too late."

Zela: "I'm at a loss. What if there's nothing to uncover and someone's just trying to frighten us? That could be it, you know."

Choi: "But why would anyone stoop to that level?"

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