Chapter 5: Year 2 Reunion

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"Summer is drawing to a close, and for Zela and her friends Choi & Amelia, it feels like an eternity since they parted ways at the end of the school term. Zela's longing for her friends is palpable, evident in her daily ritual of writing letters to them, eagerly awaiting their responses along with the accompanying pictures. With only two days until the start of their second year at Hogwarts, Zela is filled with anticipation, eager to reunite with her friends and embark on new adventures together. Despite the harrowing incidents that threatened their lives, she remains resolute in her excitement for the upcoming school year. However, amidst the anticipation, Zela grapples with recurring dreams of the enigmatic figure known as the Dark One. Each night, the images haunt her, shrouded in mystery, accompanied by cryptic warnings from a strange man urging her to trust no one, as one was promised to the Dark One."

"The day begins with Zela conversing with her owl, eagerly expressing her anticipation for the return to Hogwarts."

Zela: "I can't wait to get back to Hogwarts and see my friends."

Valentina's voice echoes from downstairs, calling Zela to breakfast.

Valentina: "Zela sweetie, come down for breakfast!"

Zela responds promptly, "I'm coming, Mom!"

'As Zela descends the stairs to join her family for breakfast, her parents notice her somber demeanor and express their concern'.

Jax: "Zela honey, are you okay?"

Valentina: "Yes, sweetheart, you seem upset. What's troubling you?"

'Zela, pausing with her fork mid-air, finally opens up about her distress'.

Zela: "I'm okay, Mom and Dad. It's just that I've been plagued by horrible dreams lately, and they don't seem to cease. Plus, I miss my friends terribly."

Jax, feeling a pang of guilt for not noticing earlier, reassures Zela.

Jax: "Why didn't you tell us about this sooner, honey? We could've sought help earlier. I know you miss your friends, but in just two days, you'll be reunited, and I'm sure you'll make up for lost time."

'Zela, touched by her father's concern, admits her reluctance to burden her parents'.

Zela: "I don't know, Dad. I guess I didn't want to worry you both. But thank you. And I'm sorry for not saying anything earlier."

'Jax, understandingly, nods'.

Jax: "It's okay, dear. We'll schedule an appointment with a specialist today. We want to make sure you're okay."

'Valentina, feeling remorseful for not noticing Zela's distress sooner, expresses her regret'.

Valentina: "I'm so sorry, my sweet pumpkin. I feel heartbroken knowing you were going through this alone."

'Zela, ever resilient, reassures her mother'.

Zela: "Mom, it's okay, really. And Dad said we'll see a specialist today. So, let's focus on that, alright?"

Valentina responded, "Okay, my love."

Zela and her family visited a Oneirologist specialist, specializing in dreams. However, the specialist attributed Zela's dreams to lack of sleep and possibly past trauma, although her parents were certain she hadn't experienced any trauma. Zela knew the real cause but kept silent, fearing her parents' reaction might prevent her from returning to Hogwarts. Returning home, they discussed the visit, but the day passed uneventfully, leading to the much-anticipated second year at Hogwarts for Zela.

Excited and eager, Zela woke early, ready for the journey ahead.

Zela: "Mom! Dad! It's time for school, and I'm up."

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