Chapter 9: A Journey Awaits

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It was summer again, and Zela missed her friends dearly. Despite exchanging letters, howlers, and pictures, it wasn't enough. She longed for their physical presence, knowing they felt the same way. In her room, Zela danced and sang along to music, immersing herself in the melodies until her mother interrupted.

Valentina: "How are you, Zela?"

Zela: "I'm fine, Mom. Do you need something?"

Valentina: "Oh no, I'm just checking up on you."

Zela: "That's okay, Mom. I'm fine, and I love you."

Valentina: "I love you too, sweetheart."

As Valentina prepared to leave, the doorbell rang. Unperturbed, she headed downstairs to answer it. To her surprise, she found Choi and a man she didn't recognize, Damion Ming.

Valentina: "Hi, are you sure you have the right address?"

Choi: "This is absolutely the right address. I'm Choi, and this is my father, Damion."

Damion: "My apologies. We should've contacted you before coming."

Zela, overhearing the conversation, rushed downstairs and embraced Choi.

Zela: "Choi! Oh, it's so good to see you!"

Valentina: "So, you know these people, Zela?"

Zela: "Yes, Mom, I do. Choi is one of my best friends from Hogwarts, and I think this is her father."

Choi: "Yes, we've been friends since Hogwarts."

Valentina: "Wow! What a surprise!"

Damion: "My apologies again."

Valentina: "It's no worries at all. Please, come in."

Damion and Choi entered the house. While looking around, Damion noticed a picture of Zela's father and found it familiar.

Damion: "Beautiful house. Is that Zela's father in the picture?"

Valentina: "Yes, it is."

Damion: "He looks familiar from one of the pure-blood families."

Zela: "It can't be. My parents are Muggles."

Damion: "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to seem rude. But he really does look familiar."

Valentina: "No need to apologize. He gets that a lot. Do you want tea?"

Damion: "Thank you, but no thanks. We didn't come to stay long."

Choi: "I know this might seem weird, but I was hoping you would let Zela spend time with me and my other friends, with my mom and dad supervising until we get to Hogwarts."

Valentina: "I'll need to think about this."

Damion: "I assure you it is perfectly safe. Zela will be in good hands. We will definitely keep in touch. I would also like you and your husband, and Zela, to visit my home now if that's okay with you?"

Valentina: "Everything is happening so fast! Sure, we would love that. But my husband has been working a lot lately, so he needs his rest. Will it be okay if it's just me and Zela?"

Damion: "Sure, that's no problem at all."

Zela: "Great! Can we go now?"

Valentina: "Let's not rush, Zela. I need to get ready, and you need to pack."

Zela: "Okay, Mom."

Zela and her mother, Valentina, then ascended the stairs to prepare and pack for the occasion. Although Valentina found the situation somewhat peculiar, she decided to embrace it nonetheless. With their belongings in tow, they stood ready to depart for the Ming's house. However, instead of the conventional mode of transportation, Damion and Choi arrived via magical means, eschewing the need for a car.

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