1. Isabella

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Being hated by him is dangerous, but being wanted by him is lethal


'They'll beat me.

They will make my skin burn.'

The shackle rattles and protests as I pull my legs to my chest. The freezing floor sends icy bursts through my entire body, but I don't have the energy to stand up.

My toes are numb. The welts on my back burn. The red marks left by my ankle cuff have deepened to purple.

I think that's bad.

What seems like hours pass, and I still don't have the energy to stand up, let alone take a closer look at my wound. My upper body slumps to the cold floor. My stomach growls like an animal.

I press my hand to it, but that doesn't quiet the sound. If anything, it turns louder and higher as if taunting me.

I lick my dry, cracked lips and stare at the empty bottle of water at my feet. It's the only thing I've had since being separated from my brother. They took him away from me, shackled him far from me.

Is he hungry as well?

I don't know how much time I've spent in this dark, dirty place, but it's been long enough that my stomach has been growling non-stop for what feels like hours.

If I don't eat soon, I won't have the strength to open my eyes, let alone stand up and search for a way out.

The door squeaks as it cracks open. I jerk up and flinch when the hard stone wall cuts into my bruised back, but that's the least of my worries.

They are back.

The chain lies all around me. I grasp the cuff and pull with the little energy I have left. I know it won't come off. Not only that, but I know I'm just scraping my skin, but it's all I can do.

If I don't get out of this, those monsters will hurt me again. They will hurt a 14 years old child.

They are monsters

They are heartless'

I woke up immediately. Again, once again I woke up like this, crying in my sleep, once again.

This is the worst fucking scenario that could've happened. The disaster part is, I didn't see it coming - and I always see things coming.

The most catastrophic mistake any general can make is to feel comfortable and ignore the outside world.

I didn't grow up having people as my role models. I grew up having people I didn't want to be like and seeing situations I never wanted to be in. That was enough. It's time to break that chain and be that type of person. It's time to be your own role model. I know how far I have come, it's not about surviving. It's about living a life I have always dreamt of. Yes it's sucks, but it's fucking true.

The piercing sound of the alarm clock brought me back from the dead of sleep. I started to wriggle and stretch within my cosy, warm, haven that is my bed. As parts of my body were gradually turning on, I realized today was Monday. I leaned over at the bulky black clock. I was already ten minutes late for my first day of university.

Getting out of bed, walking slowly down the carpeted stairs which tickled my tired feet a little. My feet stroll towards bathroom. I turned on the tap. I marched towards the cabinet and stood there allowing my all weight on my foot, I pulled out my cloth hanger outside and stared at my uniform.

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