7. Isabella

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Madness never asks for permission, neither will he.

As I rode my car to the restaurant, a shiver ran down my spine. I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following me. Every turn I took, every stoplight I approached, I felt someone's presence lingering behind me, on bike. This has been following me everywhere I go. Kawasaki ninja H2R. I have seen this bike more than enough for me to guess his model too.

I tried to brush it off as just my imagination running wild, but the feeling wouldn't go away. My heart raced as I       faster, desperate to reach the safety of the crowded restaurant.

But as I glanced over my rare mirror I saw a shadowy figure trailing behind me. Panic set in as I realized the truth - someone was indeed following me.

I fasten my car speed, my mind racing with all the worst-case scenarios. Who was this person? What did they want from me?

The restaurant finally came into view, a beacon of hope in the darkness. I pulled up to the entrance, my breath coming in short, panicked gasps.

I glanced back once more, but the shadowy figure was nowhere to be seen. Had I imagined it all?

As I entered the restaurant, relief washed over me. But deep down, I knew that feeling of being followed would haunt me for a long time to come.

The restaurant is a cozy place with dim lighting and soft music playing in the background. The walls are adorned with vintage artwork and the tables are set with candles. The smell of delicious food fills the air, making my mouth water.

As soon as I enter I am greeted with a warm hug from from Siya.  We quickly start chit-chatting and laughing about funny things that have happened to them recently. I was trying my best not to tell her about the recent shit happened with me.

She was talking about some random stuff about her soap opera—kdrama—and fictional books but my mind was buzzed into that bike or biker. I know he followed me, I fucking know he did. He always does. He even followed me when I was going a nearby shop, I saw a shadow walking behind me wearing dark charcoal black hoodie. He was walking at a distance not giving away his looks. And today again he followed me. As much as it scares me it even thrills me.

“Oh my gosh, you will not believe what happened with me and Daniel last night” Siya’s sudden voice snaps me back to the reality check from my delusional world.

“What happened? Do tell!” I said it faking my excitement, I have to Fucking be normal or she will drown me in the pool of her questions.

“We were out at dinner and things got really heated. We ended up going to the bathroom and...we had sex.” Her cheeks flushed, with a tiny of pink. Her chestnet hairs following on each side of her face.

“Wait, you had sex in a restaurant bathroom?!” I asked

“I know, I know, it was so spontaneous. And let me tell you, he was so rough with me. It was like nothing I've ever experienced before”.

“but you know someone would have entered out of nowhere like a creep” ok the shit is getting interesting.

“Surprisingly, no one did. It was like we were in our own little world, just caught up in the passion of the moment.”

“Wow, that sounds intense and stupid at the same time” she stops fidgeting her fingers as soon as I say and looks at me with bored eyes

“when will you come out of your so called creep ex boyfriend, move on girl, go for someone else” she winks at me, her red lip gloss makes a pout whenever she speaks.

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