The One With the Space Cowgirls

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Zadie's POV:

"You're right, Z. Sexy space cowgirls were definitely the way to go." Delta smiled as she took one final look in the mirror.

"D'you invite Bree tonight?"

"Shit." I realized. "I totally meant to too."

"We've still got some time before the pregame, give her a call. Tell her it was last minute." Delta shrugged.

I nodded, "you're right."

"Zadie?" She answered.

"Hey, Bree, what are you up to tonight?"

"Ask her if she has cowgirl boots." Delta whispered in my other ear.

"Nothing much, just, uh-" There was a sheep loudly baa-ing on the other end of the phone. I held the phone away from my ear. "Nothing much. Why?"

"Was that a sheep?"

Delta looked confused, mouthing, "a sheep?"

I shrugged, continuing to talk to Bree. "Well, anyway, I was just gonna mention that Delta's in town and this guy from my class invited me to go this Halloween party, and we wanted to see if you were down too."

"Wait, really? There's gonna be other guys than the three idiots I live with there, right?"

"I would sure hope so."

"Okay, yes. I'm in. I just gotta take care of a little sheep situation first."

"So, I did hear a sheep?"

Delta became interested again, "Why are we back on the sheep?"

"Apparently, the sheep is Kaz."

"Wait. What?"

"What?" Delta put her ear up to the phone.

"Yeah, long story... actually it's not. Kaz drank some science-y shit Chase cooked up in the basement and now he's a sheep."


"And I have no idea what to wear."

"Well, Del and I are going as space cowgirls."

"I did that last year though."

"We didn't celebrate Halloween last year. You know, since you, Chase and Bob all got possessed." I shrugged, causing Delta to look even more distressed by our conversation. "Wait, you did go out on Halloween night." I gasped, "Did you go to a party without us?"

She hesitated answered.


"You hesitated."

"Maybe...- but it was super lame without you guys there." She told me. "But I did go as a space cowgirl. I might have something I can put together last minute. Do you guys wanna meet here and we'll go together?"

I sighed, "Yeah, yeah, that's fine. We'll be there shortly."

When I was off the phone, Delta was spazzing for an update.

"Girl, you need to chill."

"I can't." She told me, somewhat wired. "I think I'm high."

"You-" I was caught off guard to say the least. "You what?"

"While you were in the bathroom at the restaurant, Perry shared her baggie of brownies."

"Oh, Delta..." I sighed, "You didn't...."

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