The One With the Rock

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-The Penthouse-
Zadie's POV:

The Elite Force, Aj and I all went to see the new Spider Man: No Way Home movie. It was insanely good...except that Aj spoiled literally every little thing. Including the biggest one of all: Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield's appearances. 

"I love that movie. I've seen it five times." Aj smiled, "ooh, I hope I didn't ruin the ending for you guys."

"No. You had already ruined the beginning and the middle, so I didn't really care about the end." Kaz answered. 

"So, uh, what do you guys wanna do now?" Aj asked. 

I looked around, shrugging, "I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to bed."

"Zadie," Bree deadpanned. "It's 7:00."

"Man, I'm getting old and boring."

"Hey, um, why don't you stay right here," Bree told Aj, "While we go have a quick little team meeting out on the terrace, okay?" 

Aj nodded, "okay."

The six of us went outside, leaving Aj behind. Bree was the first to talk, sharply sighing, "Chase. Look, I know you told Aj he could hang out with us, but this is getting ridiculous. He never leaves."

"Yeah, this morning I came down for a bowl of cereal, and he poured my milk. Which was nice, but kinda creepy." Oliver commented. 

Skylar raised an eyebrow, "that's creepy? This morning you offered to be the milk in my cereal."

"It's not-...I didn't-...offer still stands."

"Look, guys, the only reason that Aj's been hanging around so much is cause he doesn't have any friends."

"Ah, so he's a mini you. Got it." Kaz grinned. That's what I've been saying all along. 

Bree put a hand on Chase's shoulder, "look, and it's nice that you're looking out for him, but we just need a little bit of space."

"I will admit, it was kinda weird when he joined our date the other night." I remarked. 

Kaz stood up, "yeah, and not to mention, it's really risky. I mean, we have to keep our superhero status a secret."

 "Okay, I get it." Chase hesitated, "I'll go break his heart and tell him he can't hang out with us as much."

We walked back inside, and Aj was eating cookies on the couch. "Great cookies. Got anything to wet my whistle?"

"Oliver can be your milk." Skylar joked. 

"Wait, hold up. Since when did we get cookies?"

"Oh, Oliver made them." Kaz told me. 

"You bake?" I questioned.

"I mean," he happily shrugged. "I do some stuff here and there. I really wanna try this recipe that has-"

Chase cleared his throat, interrupting Oliver and I's discussion.

"Sorry, yeah, do your thing, babe."

He sighed, before talking to Aj, "uh, look, Aj, we should talk. There's been some concern, mostly from the others, about you being around so much."

Aj shrugged, setting his cookie down and standing up, "Eh, I get it."

"You do?" Chase questioned. Aj was taking it better than we had thought. 

"Of course. They're afraid I'm gonna find out they're superheroes."

"Whoa." Kaz and the other walked over to Aj. 

"Us? That's crazy." Skylar told him. 

"Yeah, we're bionic."

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