The One With the New Team

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-Northwestern University-
Zadie's POV:

College. What can I say? My stepmom had already called wondering if college was as wonderful as I had hoped it to be. She got my honest answer: no. It was not wonderful or exciting or fun. It was boring as hell. I'd already been here for five days and only met two people: the janitor and the dude next door, who I'm pretty sure was high 99.9% of the time. I'm also 99.9% sure he doesn't live there.

I'd figured out one thing though, GrubHub was a lifesaver.

My roommate hadn't even gotten here yet. There was only four days until classes started and she hadn't moved in. I was pretty curious about who she was. Since I got my acceptance letter later, I hadn't had a chance to go through the roommate process, which was honestly probably better. My stepsister said that random roommates are the best ones.

My phone started buzzing...

Chase👅🔥 would like to FaceTime...


"Hey, Z. What are you up to?"

"Literally nothing. My roommate hasn't moved in yet so it's quite lonesome."

"Ah, I'm sorry, Z."

"Eh, it's fine. What are you up to?"

"Just heading to check out the new place."

"Ooh, is that where you are now?"

"Not yet." He grinned. "You're in your dorm, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I had something sent there."

He is literally my favorite human. "You sent me something? You didn't have to do that."

He laughed, "Just go to the door."

I got up from sitting crossways on my bed and opened my door. "You sent me you!"

Chase nodded, "yes? I sent you me?"

I quickly hugged him, "what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be going to meet your new team."

"I am. I'm on the way now. I figured you'd wanna come with since you still have time before classes start."

"Uh, yes. Of course, I do."

He smiled, "well, get some of your things together and we can head there now. I drove so Bree and Davenport are gonna meet us there."

"You drove? What the heck. Are you actually insane? That's like a 30-hour drive from Mission Creek."

"34 hours actually."

"And you made extra time to see me?"

"Of course, I did. Plus, Evanston was kinda on the way."

"Ooh, so where is the new place? I bet it's New York. I don't know why; I just have a feeling."

"Well, if you'd hurry up and pack your stuff, you could see where we're going." He joked.

"I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying."

-The Jeep-
About 25 minutes into the drive...

"Oh, did you need me to plug in directions?" I asked.

He gave me a 'seriously?' look. "I'm the smartest man in the world. You really think I need directions?"

"What is it with all men and getting offended when asking for directions?" I mumbled. "Will you please tell me where we're going?"

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