The One Where Skylar's Mission Leader

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-Centium City-
Zadie's POV:

It was kinda getting chilly here in Illinois. Like still too warm for multiple layers, but perfect weather for leggings. 

Chase and I were headed back from lunch on campus. He likes going to the campus library and I like the Panera in the campus library. It's a type of thing where we both win. 

We took the hyperlift down, and um, well, it was a mess. It looked like someone had been living down here for a month... I mean, there was a kiddie pool and everything.  

"What the-" Chase was caught off guard by someone shooting at us. 

"Ah! Intruder!"

He took my arm, pulling me out of the way. 


"Chaz? Zoe?"

"Chase and Zadie." I corrected. 

"I know." She shrugged, "I just like the names Chaz and Zoe better."

"What are you doing here?" Chase asked as she walked over to us. 

"I decided to take a little vacay from the academy."

"So you left a tropical island to vacation windowless underbelly of a skyscraper?" Chase judged. 

"Yep. I have to get my skin back to its natural state. Pale and clammy. Plus I'm from here."

I crossed my arms, "You were born in Centium City?" 

"Nope, under, in a network of tunnels underneath the ground." She explained, swinging the weapon around as she talked. 

Chase put and arm out in front of me, "okay, how about we put the weapon down?"

"Sorry. When you're born in the bowels of a city, you learn to watch your back. And you also learn that not everything that looks like meat is meat."

Chase put a hand on her shoulder, ushering her out, "time to go."

The hyperlift wasn't working. Lovely. 

I turned to Chase, "her blast probably broke the hyperlift."

"You two are the ones that ducked out of the way."

"Oh, my bad." I sarcastically said. 

A mission alert sounded...and guess what, Perry shot at it. 

Chase pushed the gun down, "stop shooting things. It's a mission alert." Perry and I followed him over to the desk, "your blast put us on lockdown. It took out mission command's entire central nervous system. we're trapped." 

Both Chase and I took out our phones to try to call the team. I sighed, "nothing. I think communication's down too."

Perry groaned, shooting the lights. "What'd you do that for?" Chase shouted. 

"If we're gonna be stuck down here, I don't wanna have to look at your faces." She then squeezed herself between Chase and me. "And no funny business either."

"Trust me, with you here, that's the very last thing we're thinking about." I told her. 

It was hours before Chase got the hyperlift working again. 

I mean, hours

Hours spent listening to Chase huffs of annoyance at Perry's insane stories. It was kind of amusing...for the first ten minutes. 

We finally made it back upstairs, and Chase said, "man, the hyperlift took forever to fix. Why'd you shoot it a second time?"

"Why did you guys duck a second time?"

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