The One With the Robot Girlfriends

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Zadie's POV:

I thought spring semester would've been easier. I was wrong. It was already worse. Not to mention how sucky winter is already, but now that Chase and I weren't a thing anymore made it way worse. I couldn't escape to the penthouse when I didn't wanna be in my dorm. I couldn't text Chase to come pick me up from class when I didn't want to walk in the cold. Things were...different. No, things sucked. 

I walked out of the Starbucks on campus, coffee in one hand and phone in the other, bumping into somebody. 

"Oh, my gosh, I'm so-"


I looked up. "Bree." I hadn't seen her since everything went to shit. I felt bad, but I couldn't bring myself to even text her. The only recent communication we'd had was the occasional TikTok video sent. "Hey." 

"How are you?"

I shrugged, "I've been better."

"Yeah." Bree paused, "I like your hair."

"Thanks. Definitely wasn't planning on it...but you know, mental breakdown." I played off, "I'm totally fine though."

She nodded, not sure what to say, "could we maybe do lunch? I'm sure you don't wanna see or talk to me since the whole thing, but I miss my best friend."

I sighed, "Of course. I'm sorry for how distanced I've been. But you know, it's kind of awkward..." I trailed off, "and embarrassing."

"I don't know what happened if that makes you feel better."


We stood there in silence for a second. Talk about awkward

"I should get going." I decided, "I have to get to my next class."

She nodded, "yeah, I should too. I only came to talk to the cute worker at the smoothie stand."

I smiled, "wouldn't expect anything less."

"Text me soon?"


I felt guilty walking away. Just because Chase and I had broken up didn't mean I can't still be best friends with Bree. I turned on my heel, "Actually, do you wanna get lunch today? It'd have to be after my class, but there's this acai bowl place I've been dying to try."

Bree shrugged, "Yeah, I'd love to. It'd be nice since Skylar's alien twin has invaded the penthouse."

I nodded. Over the years, I learned that things are easier if you just act like you understand what's going on. "Cool. I'll text you when I'm out of class."

-Mission Command-
Third Person's POV:

While Chase was working on a new project in Mission Command, Kaz walked in, startling him. "Hey, Chase. Whatcha doin'?"

"Uh, nothing. Just playing around with some machine parts." He was hiding something. His voice gave it away. "You know me, Mr. Techie. You can go now."

Kaz picked up a robotic arm on the table, "hey, what do we have here?"

"Don't touch my lady hand." Chase took it back, setting it on the table.

"What are you up to, you freaky little genius?"

"I'm not freaky. I'm building a high-tech female android companion."

"Bro, that's the definition of freaky." Kaz sassed. "Why are you doing this?"

"Science." Chase shrugged, sighing before telling the truth, "I wanna make Zadie jealous." Kaz crossed his arms. "For years, the only girl I've hung out with was Zadie. And now, she's off screwing some college football player."

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