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*A-Team by Travis Scott
*Bad Guy by Billie Eilish

I leave the uber as I swing my bag across my arm, handing the driver the money and heading towards the ice.

I have chills all over my body, I really don't like losing. I actually do feel sick, is that even possible? Whatever, it doesn't matter.

I shake my thoughts away as I enter the rink, finding no Rafe at sight. Oh I swear if this guy makes me wait, we're gonna have problems. I sit down and put on my skates before entering the ice, just enjoying the nice feeling until the brunette arrives.

I sway my body from one side to the other, maybe if I wasn't so focused on hockey, I could've been a professional skater. Now is just too late I guess.

Finally, I hear the doors opening, and Rafe comes in. He has a black eye, and a slightly busted lip, but other than that, he seems just fine. "You look horrible" I tell him, leaning on the walls of the ice rink. "Gee, thanks." He cracks his knuckles as he starts putting on skates.

"Just saying, this better not influence on your perfomance Monday" My imply is followed by a scoff, he quickly ties his shoes and slides across the ice. Our eyes finally meeting. "Yeah well, it's another reason for you to yell at me."

"You should not want me yelling at you. I can get pretty pissed" I play with the puck, trying to ignore his staring gaze at me. God, how can brown eyes have such an impact on me? It shouldn't, I'm not like this. "I'm so afraid, princess" He mocks, putting his hands up in surrender while skating backwards. "How's the other guy? Not someone from the team right?" When the silence after the question fulfill my ears, I huff and throw the puck on him, hitting him on the chest.

"Now why would you do that? He's in a-" He starts, but I raise my hand and shake my head, interrupting him. "This sentence better not end with He's in a worse shape than me" I close my eyes, hand still up, not daring to see his reaction. That is, until he lightly chuckles, making my eyes snap open to see a smirk plastered on his face.

"Then don't ask more questions about it sweetheart" Now he plays with the puck, sliding it softly through the ice.

I find it fascinating how on games, real life, appearance, everything, Rafe is so rough, he's rude and heartless, acts recklessly because of the adrenaline, but once he's alone, or at least right now, his expression in light. He has a soft smile wondering on his lips, his shoulders are relaxed. He's just enjoying the time, even though he probably just got out of a fight.

"I do believe you were the one that said it's rude to stare" He points out, his eyes meeting mine. I snort, rolling my eyes but the smile keeps painting my face. "Nah, I think that was you" I skate towards him, playfully shoving him away. "Right. So, let's get this started? Already got the reservation ready" He winks, skating to the middle of the ice.


"Fuck!" I complain, furiously skating towards the goal, one which Rafe sarcastically is standing in front of, with the puck right on his stick.

"Ah! We're 5 to 5, move an inch and I'm scoring" He warns, making me stop in my tracks furiously. "Well, I don't move and you shoot either way" I look between him and the goal, making me get an idea.

"Go on, score. Score and I'll bench you for the next three games" I dare him, crossing my arms in front of my chest. He lets out a laugh, an actual laugh. "You can't. I'm the best player on that team, and you're well aware of that" Do I want him to lose? Yes. Will I let him lose? I can't. But this, just- I can't just simply give up on the game. My pride is yelling too loud inside of me to let me go down without a fight, without trying, without testing the enemy.

"Wow, and who made you coach, black eye?" I raise my brows, he runs his tongue in the interior of his cheek, skating towards me, the puck still in his control. "Princess, let me tell you something. See this black eye? I got it from being pushed into the wall, guess my face skin is more sensible than the rest. The other guy? Pushed him so hard his shoulder is screwed up." I go to interrupt him, scolding him for messing up a teammate's arm, especially so close to the game. "But it doesn't matter that his arm is fucked, because I can be twice the player he is" He skates even closer, I can start feeling the tingling emotion just by him being so close.

"Yeah? Because right now you just seem twice as much as an asshole. Try using your head for once, and maybe you'll have a chance of not being benched" I warn, a frown not leaving my expression. How stupid does he have to be?

"You think you're so tough hm?" He says, getting closer to me. Both our eyes meeting, but a new feeling is readable from our gaze. The proximity and my unstable breathing revealing all too well the lust that drips from our eyes. It's like they're glued together, I just can't look away.

"I am" I certify the one standing in front of me, our proximity causing a tingling sensation to form inside my stomach, and a slight red tint my cheeks. I'm getting nervous. Fuck. I try to refuse, to deny the signs of anything beyond anger, but when your body betrays your mind, hiding pretty much anything becomes an impossible mission.

"You're testing my patience, princess" He admits, bringing his hands up to the back of my neck, holding me still and close to him. I smirk at his sentence. "You're either leaving this place with a black eye or a hickey" He warns, I try to look away for even a second, but his hand trails off to my chin, pushing my face to keep looking at him. "You wouldn't dare to kiss me" I bark back, his smirk growing as mine fades away.

"Fucking try me Rora." He states, with the goddamn nickname.

I look at his eyes, than at his lips for a slight moment, before biting my lower lip in a smirk and stealing the puck from him.

However my plan goes to trash once he holds my waist, pulling me back and letting go of me, making my back hit the wall. He steals back the puck, and scores. He gives a little twirl to face me and skate towards me again, bringing his hand to my chin and lifting it up. "Maybe next time, right?" He smirks, patting my shoulder as he skates to the exit of the rink.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, allowing myself to completely lean on the wall for support since my legs feel like jelly. I throw my head back, stomping a bit before following after him.

Before he can walk out the door, I shout out for him. "Rafael."

He turns around, a clear smirk plastered on his face.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask, leaning my head to the side as I see him on the doorway. "Don't worry about it" He vaguely says, leaving the place.

DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT? In case he forgot, i am a girl, and I have around a billion different ideas going through my head right now. Like should I wear sweats, or a dress? Will it be cold? Will it be hot? Open or closed space?

This guy will be the death of me

And the worst part is, he's right. He's the best player on the fucking team, and I can't bench him Monday.



Hey lovess, would you like me to do a Rafe's POV once in a while?

Also, sorry for the late update, busy busy week, just wanted to rest a bit more this weekend.

Aaand, a while ago someone suggested me to make a scene where Aurora is jealous, should I? Like I'll probably not do it right now, I feel like it's still a bit early, but I can do it soon enough.. hihi. What do you guys say?

Are you guys enjoying? Please tell me suggestions and correct me when I'm wrong, kisses, see you next week!

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