2 | Madison from California.

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Trigger Warning: Mention of sexual assault!

Two hours had passed when they finally walked out from Central Park. Andie couldn't help but feel both nervous and excited about meeting Scarlett. For most of her life she had longed for a mother figure and here she was. But there was something else too, a feeling of abandonment, that her biological mother had made a choice and she wasn't the one she picked.

"Thank you for reaching out Andie" Scarlett smiled.

They had stopped for ice cream on the way out from the park to 'stay on track', not that Andie complained. She loved ice cream, honestly anything sweet and she loved that her mother seemed to share the same idea.

"Thank you for responding." Andie responded, glancing at Scarlett.

Scarlett gave her a warm smile, her gaze lingering on Andie just a second too long like she was searching for something.

"So.." Scarlett trailed off for a second. "Would you maybe want to meet up again?"

Her question was asked with hesitation but with a slimmer of hope in the edges.

"Yeah, I think I would like that" Andie responded and Scarlett's face lit up.

Of course she wanted to, but she didn't want to seem to eager just in case Scarlett would decide that she didn't want to see her anymore.

"What about we go out for lunch sometime next week?" Scarlett asked, her green eyes glittering in the sunlight.

"Yeah, I'm available on Friday and Saturday for lunch" Andie thought, wiping the melted ice cream off her hand with a paper towel.

"Don't you have school on Friday?" Scarlett queried and quirked an eyebrow.

"Yeah but it's half day" Andie explained. "The teachers all have some education stuff, I don't know."

"Hmm, okay" Scarlett thought. "If you want, I could pick you up at school and we could drive somewhere and eat lunch before I drop you home?"

Her tone flicked up at the end of her sentence, making it out like a question.

"Yeah that's good" Andie agreed, nodding and fishing up her phone from her jacket pocket. "Can you put in your number?"

Andie pushed the phone in Scarlett's hands.

"Uhh yeah sure" The woman answered, typing in her number into Andies contacts.

"I'll text you" Andie said, taking her phone back and sending her a quick 'it's Andie' text.

"Great." And with those words they parted ways.

Andie wondered what Scarlett would be doing this afternoon because it hit her that she never asked. Maybe she was going home to Cosmo and Rose? She knew about her half siblings thanks to Google but she thought that it was too early for her to ask, but she secretly wanted Scarlett to tell her herself. Scarlett had asked her about her afternoon though. 'I'm going to my best friends house for a study session' was the answer Andie had given her. Andie wouldn't call Lilly her best friend though, Lilly wasn't someone she felt she could trust. She had repeatedly lied to Andie but at this point she didn't really have anyone else so she tried to make the most out of it, not that it worked. Lilly was one of those friends that could say one thing and do another which didn't make her the most reliable person in the world.

When Andie got home from meeting with Scarlett she was met with the smell of alcohol when she walked through the front door.

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