9 | Strike back Andie.

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It was Wednesday when Andie finally managed to get herself to go to school. She had spent her week lying in bed, throwing up and bleeding. With an empty stomach, Andie left the apartment. Every step down the stairs hurt, no matter what she did. Everything was too bright and her head was pounding. As she stepped out of the apartment building, the smell of smoke hit her. Andie could see smoke that seemed to come from a building a few blocks away. Sirens blared in the distance and that didn't help with her headache. Sitting down on a bench close to the bus stop, Andie pulled up her phone to check the time and noticed a text from Maddie.


R u taking the bus today?

Please say you are, I don't want to be aloneeee....


Yup, I always take the bus :)

Andie heard the brakes from the bus scream so she looked up. The yellow bus could be seen from miles away with its flaking 'School Bus' sign on top.

"Andie!" Maddie's voice called from the crowd as soon as Andie got on the bus.

As Andie's eyes wandered over the seats, Maddie raised her hand and waved at her. Her blonde hair was tied back in a loose ponytail and she was wearing a crop top with a pair of low waist baggy jeans.

"Hey!" Andie sat down next to Maddie.

"Hey Andie." Maddie chirped but her face quickly rearranged when she took a closer look. "Andie, you okay?"

She must've noticed Andie's pale skin and baggy eyes. Not that they were hard to miss.

"Uhh yeah, I've just had a cold that's all." She lied.

"Mhm." Maddie narrowed her eyes.

"Maddie I'm fine I promise." Andie tried to reassure her.

Maddie raised her eyebrows in a 'I know you're not' look but Andie shook it off. Her stomach started to cramp so she pulled her knees up to her chest, resting her feet on the seat.

"Annie?" Maddie queried.

"Annie?" Andie giggled, turning to look at her friend.

"Yeah that's your new nickname." She responded, nudging Andie's shoulder with the palm of her hand.

"Anyways," Maddie got back on track "you're not okay. I can see that"

"I'm just on my period." Andie forced a smile and prayed that Maddie didn't see through it.

Maddie didn't believe her though. She turned away to grab her backpack. The zipper gave away a pained sound as she zipped it open with too much force. Then she reached down for something and pulled a box of aspirin out of the bag.

"Here," She said, shoving a pill into Andie's hand "you need this."

Maddie handed her a bottle of water but Andie swallowed the pill dry without thinking. The blonde gaped at her.

"Don't you need water?" She asked to which Andie shook her head.


"You sure?"


Maddie snorted as she tucked away the water bottle and the box of aspiring into her backpack before putting it back on the floor.

"Did you see the fire?" Maddie asked, sitting up straight and turning to Andie.

"I only saw the smoke," Andie told her "but it looked bad."

Maddie opened her mouth to say something but stopped. Her blue eyes were fixated on something behind Andie. Andie spun around and saw a fire truck heading towards them. It felt like the world erupted as the truck crashed in to the bus. Glass flew everywhere and Andie was flung into the wall opposite her. Someone was screaming but she couldn't really hear them. The world started drifting away.

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