5 | Can you stay?

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"Andie? Are you okay?" Scarlett asked through the phone.

"No." Andie croaked, tears running down her cheeks. "I'm at this party and I only had one drink but I think something is wrong."

She hiccuped before continuing.

"I don't know what to do." She admitted and heard shuffling on the other end of the line.

"Andie, can you turn on location your for me sweetheart?" Scarlett asked as something clicked in the background.

"Y-yes" Andie snivelled, putting her phone on speaker and clicking onto the location app.

"Done" she sniffed and put the phone back against her ear.

"Good girl, I'm not far away" Scarlett reassured. "Where are you now?"

"Upstairs in a bathroom" Andie slurred, feeling her head getting heavier by the minute.

"Okay, stay there and stay on the phone with me." She heard Scarlett say.

"But I'm tired" Andie whined. "I wanna sleep."

"No!" Scarlett yelled. "Stay awake for me baby."

"Okay" Andie groaned. "How far away are you?"

"Ten minutes" Scarlett breathed. "Stay awake for ten more minutes okay hun?"


Nine minutes and 33 seconds later Scarlett knocked on the bathroom door.

"Hun, it's me. Can you unlock the door so that I can come in?"

Andie's legs wobbles as she stood up, turning the lock and letting the door swing open.

"I'm sorry" she cried, streaks of mascara down her face.

"It's okay baby" Scarlett pulled her in to a hug. "Let's get out of here."

They made their way down the stairs and out to Scarlett's car. She helped Andie inside to the passenger seat before clicking in her seatbelt and closing the door. Andie was bawling the whole car ride, holding onto Scarlett's hand as if she was going to slip off the world.

"This isn't my house" Andie slurred when Scarlett pulled up.

"No it's not, mine was closer" Scarlett stated, opening her door and walking over to Andie.

"Ohhh" Andie sighed, holding on to the sound until all the air in her lungs was gone.

Scarlett helped Andie out of the car and together they walked towards the front door. Andie was leaning on her as Scarlett unlocked the door and walked inside. The house itself was stunning. Big windows with an open floor plan. A living room with big couches and a stunning kitchen that shifted in blue was the first thing Andie saw when she stepped inside.

"Wow" she hiccuped.

"Let's get you upstairs" Scarlett said in a warm tone.

She led Andie upstairs into a guest room. The walls were painted a light blue and the bed was built into the wall. There was a walk in closet and a bathroom on the opposite wall from the bed.

"Sit here" Scarlett ordered and sat Andie down on the bed.

"Yes ma'am" she chuckled.

Scarlett walked away for a few minutes to fetch a few things and when she returned Andie was in the bathroom hanging over the toilet seat. She was crying again, streaks of mascara down her pale cheeks.

"Aww baby, have you been sick?" Scarlett coed, grabbing ahold of her auburn hair and holding it up so it didn't fall down into the toilet bowl.

"Yes" Andie cried, her bloodshot eyes filling with tears again.

Deception | Scarlett Johansson x DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now