3 | I'm sorry.

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Friday finally rolled around and Andie's last period of the day felt abnormally slow, the seconds feeling like minutes and the minutes feeling like hours. Scarlett was supposed to pick her up and take her to lunch and even though Andie didn't want to admit it, she was excited.

"Right, class" Mr Nolan spoke up, making Andie look up.

"Please read chapter 4 in the textbook" Mr Nolan started but everyone had already stood up and began to walk out.

Andie grabbed her backpack and started walking out when a voice stopped her.

"Andrea you dropped this!"

Andie spun around to see Madison holding her light green pencil case that she had painted small blue flowers on.

"Oh" She giggled and walked over to Madison. "Thank you."

Madison gave the pencil case one last look before handing it back to Andie.

"It's really cute. Where did you buy it?" She asked, gesturing to her pencil case.

"It's just a basic one from target that I painted on" Andie shrugged and couldn't help but smile.

Madison started walking and Andie joined her.

"It's really cute!" Madison smiled. "I wish I could draw."

"I'm sure you can" Andie smiled and pushed her backpack higher up on her shoulder.

"I can draw a stick figure but that's about it" Madison giggled and tucked a strand of her long blonde hair behind her ear.

"So" She continued. "Do you have anything special planned now that we have a half day free from school?"

"I'm going to lunch with a relative" Andie explained, not wanting to explain her weird situation with Scarlett. "How about you?"

"I'm going home to study" Madison gave Andie a pained expression. "Lots to catch up on when you start at the end of term."

"Yeah I get that." Andie agreed.

They were almost at Andies locker now, just a few more meters.

"You know" Andie tried and looked over at Madison. "I could help you study sometime? If you want to."

Madison smiled, her cheeks shifting over to a soft pink tone.

"Yeah, that would be nice." She reached for something in her bag and pulled out her phone. "You can put your number in my phone."

Andie accepted her phone and made a new contact. She typed in her phone number and her name before handing her the phone back.

"Andie huh?" She said when she looked at the display.

"Yeah, Andrea is too formal" Andie shrugged.

"Great, well I'll text you" Madison smiled before walking away.

Just as Andie was turning to open her locker, Madison turned around.

"Oh and call me Maddie" she smirked before walking away.

Andie smiled sheepishly as she shoved some textbooks into her bag. She would have to study later to catch up on the math she had missed earlier that week. Her locker let out a small metallic sound as she closed it shut and locked it. Teenagers were talking all around her, walking and being alive. Andie joined the stream towards the exit but her thoughts were rudely interrupted by something, someone.

"Heyy" Lilly sang behind her.

"Hi Lilly" Andie said, trying to not sound annoyed.

"What are you doing this afternoon?" Lilly asked and hooked her arm through Andies.

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