Chapter 6 - Blood Vessels

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Why am I

I clearly didn't agree to this, moreover to this restaurant that don't have any taste in its entirety. The place was too open and windy for my liking, and the tables and chairs were all wooden for me which made it hard to sit on.

And the menus.. well, they have some decent ones but most of it were seafood dishes that I couldn't eat ---or rather wouldn't eat because it caused bad breath, tooth decay and would make your stomach grumble for the next thirty days. I wouldn't mind getting some ice cream though. Just ice cream..

And Sean hasn't said anything to me all of this time as he continued to stay silent as he sat across me from the table. We were once again at a different restaurant. We've been changing restaurants numerous times because he did imply he didn't exactly like the food.

Now, he's all silent with me. Maybe I said something wrong, or he noticed something wrong with me, or he noticed the change in my mood that I clearly wasn't digging it and thus changing the mood to sourpatch zone.


I fidgeted in my seat as he stared at me. Probably because he knew I was in love with him by the way I stared at him. He caught me. I was busted and I have to deal with it.

I was a fool to look at him far too long. It was a mistake. I wish I hadn't done that. I was so.. tantalized by the way he looked today. I internally sighed. Why does he have to be so handsome?

I loved how he stared into my soul the minute he caught me.

I blushed. Thinking about it. Again. I love him, I admit. Maybe a little too much.. It's not that I reject that kind of fact. It's just that I didn't know what else to do right now as I sat before him. With just the two of us, then I wouldn't know what to do or what to look at. For example, he's staring at me with those glimmering eyes before the moonlight.

He's looking at me.

I knew I should've worn that yellow pale dress I bought the other day. I should've bought ice cream of a two scooper and enjoyed the sugar cream instead of coming along with him to the tuxedo shop. It all seemed so alluring and of its perfume of when I entered..! It was divine of manly scent divination, and the tailors were all so properly made.

And right now it irks me he just, and only ordered an Americano. A hot cup of coffee. For dinner. And now he knows my secret and now he looks at me while I'm looking like a deer in headlights, and, he's a vampire..! I refused to look at him
I mean, I was scared.

I was looking away, not meeting his eyes far way too long as I averted my gaze, into anything but his eyes. Maybe he's getting annoyed. Please.... don't! Don't say anything. My senses were telling me I was looking away far too long which clashed with the fact that I was far too dumbfounded to respond and prevent this... and I could only stay like a stone which made it look all the way too obvious.

"I like the name Sean better." I mumbled, almost as if to myself.

"Sean is my birth name. Given by my parents. It's a phooney, I could say."


"Amara." He called my name, but it all sounded like a question.

My heart was beating fast. What does he want to speak to me about? I have nothing to say to him.

"Amara." He called my name again.

Again, I'm not answering. And then. "Amara, would you look at me please." He grabbed me by the hand, the one I put on the table. Oh, screw me.

I gasped, far too loud while I looked at his hand. Shoot..! He was gently holding my hand.

And I can feel my body responding. My chest was getting warm all the way to my jaw, and both of my cheeks. Curse these blood vessels. This is not good.

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