Chapter 8 - Ruby Glitter

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Breathing was hard.

I didn't know what I said last night, let alone having the courtesy to think about it.

"So you're still not thinking about it?"


I pouted as I rested on the couch, my butt feeling well and comfy and while crossing my arms and had the tv on on the lowest volume possible but still can be heard clearly from where I sat and mostly a mumble from where he was standing from-- the kitchen.

"So do you want anything for breakfast?"


"Why are you upset?"

"I'm not upset." I breathed out.

Of course I'm upset. To say I'm more pissed than ever. He would never leave me if I didn't reply and tell him yes as an answer. To leave and stay with him on a vacation? I could go and say yes, but then again I wouldn't leave my house. It seems fatal that I didn't say yes. I didn't want to go, but I wanted to. With him-- I looked back-- where he had disappeared into -- the kitchen that I also wondered what he was cooking inside there-- I would go anywhere. Anywhere he wants.

I huffed. I could almost scream in agony but that would be fatal too and embarrassing. He would be worried over me and take me to a hospital instead. Maybe I should just run away.

Yeah, sure. Run away from this house into god knows where.

I relented a big sigh. Seems like I could use some breakfast. I walked and checked in on him. Oh well, he was cooking.

Some big pot he was stirring with a wooden ladle as I came closer. Was it soup?

"It's a corn vegetable soup if you'd like some." He offered.

I nodded. It did look delicious. It's creamy and.. with corn...?


"I'd like some." I answered. I couldn't believe I answered that. It seems like I wasn't angry enough to reject his offer. And he smiled at me as he kept stirring. Oh, would you stop with the stirring?

And suddenly, I felt a pang in my chest. What's wrong with me?

My insides felt they were shrewd and I felt hot all over. My belly felt hot. Am I having a fever... Oh wait, it's just my hormones getting the better of my body, and I'm getting.. horny? Is that the word? He can't know about this. Then again, he can read my mind..

I looked at him. I'm fucked.

I gulped, looking at the pot.

This can't be happening.

I looked at him, and he seemed relaxed as always. He's always the cause to things. He didn't seem like he knew about it...

"Amara, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm okay."

"Hey, Sean. What would you do if I told you I'm having a fever?"

"Well, I'd take you to the hospital. Like right now." He must be whistling in his mind as he looked as happy as ever tasting the soup and gave it a stir.

I must be on heat.

This must be what it feels like for werewolves when they say they're feeling the damn thing.. But they don't exist, do they? I feel weird while my mind keeps thinking of compulsions and.. confusion of how my body was reacting. Could it be that.. he's in love with me.. too? I mean.. I looked at him from the corner. But that's too big of a problem, and too big for me to think about. Screw me.

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