Chapter 7 - the Growl

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Oh right. I'm staying the night. I just remembered. While I typed away on my phone, it's the only thing I could think. I gulped thinking about where I am.

And why does he live alone? I could smell his perfume all around the house. And he's a vampire-- it gives me the creeps. He was wealthy, I knew. An all grand suite just for himself.

I was on the sofa, having my phone while my butt sat on the cushion. I mean I am a guest in the house. And as I remembered my mom, I knew I have to tell her the news. She would be unhappy about this.. moreover, worried about me. It's embarrassing, but I have to tell my mom about the fact that I'm spending the night. And that I've agreed to be his girlfriend. I sighed, almost crying that I did it. Or the fact that he adores me more than anything. And the message was sent, without a second to spare, there was a reply message that said, Good luck, and don't forget to give attention to your man! -Hearts.

Oh brother, don't I ever forget, I rolled my eyes slightly in annoyance. 

"Amara, where are you?" Sean called, either from the stairs to the second floor or from the kitchen, I wasn't sure.

"Here...!" I slightly hollered back.

"Oh. There you are. It is kind of late, so I could.. take the sofa if you want to get some rest really early."

"Not yet. I am not sleepy at this hour." It's just 8.

"Oh, if you want to get to bed, the bed's yours-- anytime."

"Okay. But.... I don't have any clothes to wear." I said.

"Just use what you're wearing, I'll clean the sheets after you, don't worry."

"Oh..." I replied. Easy for him to say. It was nice of him to say so, and offering to sleep on the sofa, one could only imagine what level of comfort he would get from sleeping on it throughout the night. "Hey, Andrei?"

"Yeah?" He stopped and halted from making his way through the kitchen.

"Do you have some milk?"

"No." He replied, loud and clear.

It felt stupid to ask such things to a grown man.

"But we do have the sweetest wine, if you want any. It tastes so sweet, just like sugar it wouldn't get you drunk."

Oh god.

"Oh, then I'll just have a tiny glass please."

"Coming right up." He replied as I heard some glasses clinking from the kitchen. I wonder how much does he drink in a day? Maybe.. that much to get his body all tall and buff? I wouldn't want to imagine any longer. What if he could read my mind to the moon or something? Surely---

That will be the end of me.

I was scratching the back of my ear when he came over to where my peripheral vision was blocked. He came all of a sudden, undetected that it came over me like a shock.

"Oh." I gasped as he put the glass down, setting himself over across me as he sat down on the sofa. He's a vampire. My mind reminded. And I'm left to face this man alone, across him as I had my legs touching the floor. There were sandals but I didn't mind.

"So, how'd you like the house?" He asked so casually.

"I don't mind. It has a great vibe, and to tell you I like it here." I absentmindedly answered. I sipped on my wine. "Oh, this wine is good..."

He can't know that I want the whole bottle of it. Maybe the whole crate. "It's good...."

"Isn't it?" He chuckled.

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