1. A new start

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Minji's POV:

I absentmindedly stared out the window of the car as my mom drove away, far away from Austin towards a new life. Hopefully a happy and peaceful one.

"Honey, are you okay?" she asked. I don't know why, but I didn't reply.

"Minji, I'm sorry for making you go to school yesterday, but you can't just keep all your problems to yourself, honey. Please tell me what happened," she said in the concerned tone which I hated. I love my mother, but I don't like the fact that she thinks I'm still a child who can't take care of herself.

"I'm fine, mom. Just worried about going to a new school," that was not entirely a lie because I was definitely worried about being the new kid at school. I have no idea how the people there behave and how they'll treat me.

"Oh, I get why you're nervous, but trust me, you'll be fine."

We stayed silent for a few moments, both of us lost in our own train of thoughts.


"Yes, Minji?"

"Where'd he go?"

She went silent at my question. I knew it was a sensitive topic, but I had to ask her.

"I asked where father went?" I asked, now a bit annoyed.

"Minji, I thought we agreed to never bring him up in our conversations again," she said.

"You do know he made our life a living hell, right? Why does he get away with everything so easily? Why are we the ones who have to face the consequences of his actions?!" I snapped.

"Yes, Minji, I know everything. But you should also know that he's the one with the power, and the most I could do was divorce him and run away with you. And I am trying my very best to provide you a comfortable life," she said in a calmer tone than mine, which made me feel a little guilty.

I didn't reply and sunk into my seat. I wore my headphones and played some music. I made sure to make the volume louder than my thoughts.

After a long drive, we finally arrived at the apartment mom had managed to buy. My family wasn't exactly poor because my father is filthy rich, but he never really let us live the luxury life. The three of us lived in a casual two-story house.

My mother worked very hard to save up the money for this apartment because father wouldn't let her borrow any of his money. Not only was he a terrible parental figure, but he was also a terrible husband.

I helped mom with the luggage, and we spent hours setting up stuff in the apartment. It was nothing fancy, just a casual apartment with three bedrooms and one kitchen. Also, mom let me take the bedroom with the balcony, which gave me a beautiful view of the busy city. My bedroom was basic with a bed in the middle, a desk for work, a closet, and a bathroom. I loved it, and I really do admire my mother for working so hard for all of this.

Tomorrow, my mother and I would go around for a walk and explore the places nearby our apartment building, and the day after that, I'd go to my new school. Well, that's going to be problem.

I immediately got comfy in my bed after all of that working with my mother, and I didn't even realize when my eyes closed and when I fell asleep.


I woke up in a very dramatic way, as if I were in some Disney princess movie type shit. And by that, I mean I woke up to a blue bird sitting on my head, yes, a bird.

It took me way too long to figure out how the hell the bird got in until I saw the balcony door that I left open last night. Annoyed by the bird's way of waking me up, I walked over to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked like I just went through a horrible breakup, which I kind of did, but let's not mention that.

I washed up and looked at myself in the mirror again. Okay, I look less heartbroken now.

As soon as I left my room, the strong scent of pancakes invaded my nose, and my stomach grumbled, making me realize that I didn't eat dinner last night. I hurried over to the kitchen and saw my mom making pancakes, which I'd expected, and she was listening to some jazz music that was playing on the record player.

I could almost get used to a peaceful life.

"Morning, mom," I said as I sat at the dining table. Our chairs weren't delivered yet, so yes, I sat on the table.

"Good mor- get off the table, Minji."

"Well, where else am I supposed to sit?" I asked.

"Sit on the bar stools! They're right there," mom said, as if it were the most obvious thing ever. Okay, yes, it was the most obvious thing ever, but I'm still half-asleep, so I didn't even notice those.

We were eating breakfast silently, with only the sounds of the faint jazz music and the birds chirping outside, which made me wonder how early in the morning it was.

"You're still up for the walk, right?" mom asked.

"Yes, of course. I'd like to look around the city a bit."

"Then go get ready, we're going now," mom said to me.

I got up from my seat and playfully saluted her with two of my fingers, mumbled a "yes, ma'am" and stuffed the last pancake into my mouth. Mom gave me a disgusted look, and I just grinned at her before running back into my room to get ready.

I  never had such a peaceful morning before.

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