12. Mine

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Hanni's POV:

It would be safe to say that I couldn't get any sleep last night. I still can't understand how it all happened, but it did. I am nervous about way too many things. I don't know if my parents will ever accept me dating anyone other than Hyunwoo, and even worse, a girl. As much as I know how important all of that is, how I have to eventually tell my parents about my attraction to girls, I do know that my dad would approve. He has always cared for me and been loving toward me. But I don't know if my mom and stepfather will ever let that happen. I don't want to think about all of that right now. 

First, I have to end things with Hyunwoo. Things I never started.

Almost as if on cue, Hyunwoo pops up from behind me, draping an arm around my shoulder, breaking me out of my daze. I freeze instantly, reminded of the fight we had and what could've happened if Minji wasn't there to save me.

"Babe, I want to apologize to you," he says in a fake deep voice that he thinks is hot. But I wasn't having any of that today. I don't even know how I survived his manipulation for the past year.

"Stay away from me," I said, moving away from him.

"Oh, come on, you know I get angry sometimes, but I don't mean what I say," he said.

"Hyunwoo, this isn't going to work. The way you acted was absolutely unacceptable. I do not want to see you anymore," I said, making Hyunwoo let out a humorless laugh.

"And what, you're going to break up with me?" he asked.

"That is exactly what I'm doing, breaking up with you," I said. Hyunwoo laughed again, and I could see the anger forming in his eyes.

"What are you going to say to your mother, Hanni? Do you think she'll ever accept you breaking up with the son of her biggest business partner? I don't think so," he says while walking toward me.

"That's my problem to figure out. You can leave me the fuck alone. We are over, Hyunwoo," I said while moving away from him until my back hits the lockers and I'm being cornered by him.

Hyunwoo only moved closer. There was an uncomfortably small gap between us, and this situation felt a little too familiar. The hallway was near empty, and Minji was nowhere near. I felt my breath hitch. Hyunwoo reached over to push hair strands out of my face, but not in a loving way.

"Didn't you hear her? Leave her the fuck alone," the familiar voice said from behind Hyunwoo. There she was, standing, looking absolutely perfect, not a single hair out of place. Minji.

"I'm sorry, but could you stop interfering in our relationship? This is a private matter," Hyunwoo said, addressing Minji.

"Relationship? I'm pretty sure I heard her say that she's breaking up with your ass," Minji said to him. I used this moment to pull away from his grip and stand next to Minji.

Hyunwoo huffed in annoyance and walked over to our direction. He glanced between me and Minji.

"Is she the reason why you're doing this? A girl?" Hyunwoo asked, in a disgusted voice.

"Yes, she is. Any problem with that?" I replied. Hyunwoo only laughed at my face.

"Oh, your mother is going to love this, Hanni. Make sure to call me when you tell her that you're fucking a girl. I want to see her reaction," Hyunwoo said before walking away. And it wasn't like he was wrong. My mother might just kill me if she gets to know about me and Minji. But I'd be willing to die if it's for Minji. Wait, is that too cheesy?

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