Chapter 11 - Battle of the Folk Strait

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I'm not good at writing battles.

- Ishiwara


Day 23 Month 4 Year 1642 Central Calendar

The invasion of the Gra Valkas Empire's Eastern Expeditionary Fleet triggered the Battle of the Magdola Archipelago. The Holy Mirishial Empire's 0th Magic Fleet is annihilated. After the battle, the Eastern Expeditionary Fleet heads for Cartalpas.


Day 25 Month 4

Bronto was busy moving around with his subordinates.

"The Magicaraich Community's Armored Battle Fleet is moving out!"

"The Agarthan Magic Ship Fleet is moving out!"

"The Nigratian Wyvern Carrier Fleet is moving out!"

One after another, fleets from various countries set sail from the Port of Cartalpas to intercept the Gra Valkan fleet.

"Next, hurry!"

"The Muish Mobile Task Force is setting sail."

'What is this!? To go this far other than the Sorcerous Empire...'

He initially suspected it was some kind of joke when he heard about the situation from Navy personnel. It was true that the Grade Atlastar was an astonishing ship beyond rumors, but the Holy Mirishial Empire was not so weak as to be destroyed by just one ship like Leifor. On the contrary, even if they brought a large fleet, the 0th Magic Fleet waiting in the Magdola Archipelago would likely turn the tables on them. He thought this might be some kind of demonstration or ritual to demonstrate cooperation against the GVE.

However, when he looked up at the sky, combat-type floating ships of the heavens began to form formations and stick to the fleet's airspace. No matter how one thought about it, the situation had become more serious than a mere demonstration, and he couldn't help but admit that.

"The Japanese Fifth Fleet is setting sail!"

With the departure of the Japanese fleet, which was the last to depart, the bustling port authority finally took a breath.

"Sir, what on earth happened?" A subordinate who returned to the room asked while handing him tea.

"Well... this is unheard of, but our country's power is undoubtedly the strongest in the world. No matter what happens, there's no need to worry."

As Bronto elegantly sipped the tea handed to him, his inner self, which seemed calm, harbored a slight sense of unease.

. . .

Japanese Fifth Fleet

"Right from the start..." Rear Admiral Fujimoto complained on the cruiser Aoba's bridge.

"In this world, our country is a newcomer. It can't be helped," a staff officer said.

At the same time, an emergency briefing was convened in Runepolis to assess the strength of the Gra Valkan forces. As a result, the temporary coalition forces considered that, apart from the Japanese and Muish fleets, the other fleets were not even worth mentioning in terms of strength. The Fifth Fleet had a similar assessment. Therefore, instead of coordinating with the others from the start and becoming a hindrance, they planned to deploy independently at a speed that the other fleets couldn't catch up with. However, when it came down to it, the Fifth Fleet was placed last in the order of departure, forcing them to overtake each fleet in the narrow strait first.

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