Chapter Five- Shake And Bake, Baby

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The cool sensation of the mango ice cream wrapper pressed against my back pocket, hidden from view as I approached the familiar door that marked 282. Just before my knuckles met the wood, a thunderous shout echoed down the hallway, arresting my attention.

Emerging from an adjacent apartment, a burly man clad in a white rank top and trousers stormed out, a woman hot on his tail behind. Her fiery demeanor matched the intensity of her voice as she berated him without regard for onlookers.

"You better come back with that damn money, Ricky!" she bellowed, her finger jabbing accusatorily at him as her disheveled bun bounced with each step. "Anthony needs diapers!"

"Why don't you shut your trap!" the man retorted, his own voice booming in defiance, the friction between them could light a match.

The man moved as if wading through thick mud, stumbling over invisible obstacles before vanishing around the corner. His departure left only the back of the woman's head in my line of sight; her gaze still fixated on the vacant space he had occupied moments before. With a resigned gesture, she shook her head, a silent lament for the choices that led them here.

As her weary eyes scanned the surroundings, they met mine, revealing a depth of exhaustion that seemed to weigh heavily upon her. Dark embedded circles beneath her eyes spoke of sleepless nights and burdens carried for too long. Despite her youthful appearance, there was a weariness etched into her features, as if life had aged her beyond her years.

A soft whimper drifted through the air, originating from the direction of her suite. With a resigned sigh, she retreated back inside, the door closing quietly behind her. In these cramped towery quarters, privacy was a luxury we didn't have. The thin walls served as a little more than flimsy barriers to shield what privacy we could get.

Before I could even raise my hand to knock, Monica's door swung open, revealing a loud gasp and her slender form silhouetted against the dim light within. My eyes flicked downward as I caught sight of the baseball bat clutched tightly in her grip. The sight had my brows pinched in the middle.

"You scared the crap out of me," she admitted tentatively, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"I could say the same thing," I chuckled nervously, my gaze flitting back to the baseball bat before settling back on her.

Stepping into the dimly lit hallway, she cast a glance towards the source to where the short-lived heated argument was. Even in the subdued light, her dark complexion glowed with an inner radiance, her braided hair now gathered in a high ponytail. She carried herself with the grace of someone half her age, like a timeless work of art.

"I heard them going at it again," she remarked, setting the baseball bat aside and crossing her arms in a gesture of resolute determination. "It was way worse a few nights ago."

My forehead crinkled in concern as I observed her stance. "What do you plan to do with that bat? That guy's twice your size, Monica," I interjected, my worry evident in my voice.

"I keep telling that girl to leave him," she expelled a weary breath, shaking her head as her gaze drifted towards the neighboring apartment where the commotion emanated. "But she won't listen."

I couldn't fathom ever being trapped in such a tumultuous relationship. To be entwined with someone who failed to comprehend the mutual needs and desires of both partners, especially when a child is involved. I viewed never to tether myself to someone who couldn't prioritize family above all else.

"That's why I'm single," she teased, her words dancing like lively butterflies. "A few casual encounters here and there, no emotional entanglements; it saves me the headaches." Her brow bounced in a playful gesture bringing a silent invitation to share in here carefree philosophy.

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