Chapter Nine- A Promise is a Promise

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The crimson glow of emergency lights flickered to life, casting an eerie ambiance that enveloped us in a shroud of uncertainty. Despite the illumination, shadows danced menacingly, obscuring the truth lurking in the darkness. Panic surged within me, a relentless tide threatening to engulf my rational thoughts as I struggled to comprehend the unfolding nightmare. My gaze darted to her silhouette, a faint azure emanating from beneath her clothing, betraying the sinister transformation creeping over her.

Drawing nearer, I discerned the spectral tendrils of veins, their ethereal hue pulsating ominously, weaving a tale of dread déjà vu. This hue, this haunting blue, it stirred a chilling recognition deep within me, dredging up memories best left forgotten.

The pressure of my hands on the wound elicited another sharp hiss from her lips, her body jerking involuntarily from the pain. "We have to stop the bleeding," I uttered, feeling the warmth of her blood seeping through my palms.

Amidst the panic, echoes of the man's words reverberated in my mind- were they the dead? Was this the end of the world unfolding before our eyes? Frantically, I scanned our confined metal sanctuary, searching for a glimmer of hope. A dormant camera perched in the corner caught my eye, its disconnected wires dangling listlessly, a symbol of our isolation.

Releasing my pressure, I reached for my phone in a desperate bid for connection, only to find my pocket empty. Putting the pieces together, I must have lost it during when the man knocked me down the ground.

Examining my blood-stained hand glistening in the glow of the emergency lights, I could see bits of blue glow emanating in it. In the stark absence of color, the red light offered no solace, masking the true gravity of our situation.

As her words quivered, my focus shifted from our dire situation to her limp form on the ground. "I don't want to die," she admitted, her voice fraught with fear sealing her fate with every syllable.

"You won't," I assured, maintain pressure back on her wound. My eyes flickered to the eerie blue glow pulsating beneath her skin, amplified by the surrounding crimson aura, creating a haunting yet mesmerizing sight.

Guiding her hands to her injury, I instructed, "Apply pressure here," releasing my grip to try and find a way out for both of us.

Before I could rise, she grabs my arm. "Promise me something," she whispered as her grip tightens.

"Anything," I replied with a weak smile, trying to hold it together for both of us.

With a shaky breath, she confessed, "If I... change. Don't let me."

Suppressing a shiver at the thought of taking another life, especially my friends, I wrestled with the unsettling notion.

"We'll both make it out of this," I vowed, dispelling the grim thoughts as I rose to my feet, searching for an escape route.

I stretched my arms upwards, straining to reach the roof's edge in a desperate attempt to dislodge one of the square panels. Frustration gnawed at me as my fingertips fell short, unable to grasp the metal. A futile effort as I attempted to hoist myself onto the metal railing, only to find my balance slipping away, thwarting my ascent.

With intermittent glances back at Becky, who remained motionless, steadfastly applying pressure to her wound, I felt the weight of urgency pressing upon me.

Turning my attention to the elevator doors, my fingers traced along the small gap between them. I wedged my fingers into the slit, leveraging my body to gain traction. Slowly, the doors yielded to my persistence inching open to reveal a dimly lit floor above. The elevator had halted at an unknown level, affording me a narrow gap to get through.

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