Part 24

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When the boys came back into the house there was four other boys and one girl following them, they were talking loudly about how lunch smelt delicious, and how they can't wait to eat with made Emily and Adeline share a glance with smiles. 

The rest of the pact were sitting around the table talking while Adeline and Emily made sure there was enough plates and cups for everyone. When the girls come out of the kitchen and placed some food on the table, Jacob and Sam stood up and asked if they could help with anything. Adeline placed a kiss on Jacob's cheek before saying no. 

The girls sat down with Emily sitting in-between Sam and Adeline, and Adeline has Emily on her right and Jacob on her left. Jacob intertwines his hand with Adeline under the table. Jacob smiles at her before clearing his throat getting everyone's attention. But before Jacob could say a thing Quil speaks up. "Hey Adeline, how you are doing girl?" Quil smiles and winks at her, enjoying the way Jacob glares at him. 

Adeline smiles at him. "I'm good Quil, how are you?" Adeline noticed how Jacob tighten his hand around hers when Quil winked at her, so in hopes of calming him down she rubs her thumb on the back of his hand, which does calm him down. Adeline smiles grows a little bit when Quil says he's fine. 

Jared looks at Adeline before looking at his food again. "So, your Adeline? Jaceb's imprint- Ow!" Jared glares at Jacob as he gets kicked in the shin. "What are you kicking me for?" 

Adeline looks confused. "Imprint? What's an Imprint?" 

Jacob smiles shyly at her. "I'll tell you about it later. Okay?"

Although Adeline wants to know what an imprint, she'll let it go for now. Adeline nods her head towards Jacob and looks back towards Jared. "Well, yes, I'm Adeline."

Jared nods his head with a smile. "Cool, I'm Jared. And this loser sitting next to me is Paul." That earned him a slap on the back of the head from said 'loser.' "Hey!" Jared slaps him on the arm. " And I think Jacob mentioned that you know Leah and her brother Seth." 

Paul slapped him again. "Don't listen to him, he's a idiot. But, hi beautiful, I'm Paul." Paul smiled at Adeline, his smiled grew when Jacob growled at him. Paul sat back in her seat and put both of his hands up. 

Paul was about to say something else but didn't because Sam started talking. "Guys, enough." Other than that the lunch went great. 

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