Promoters Ideas

280 45 16

These are some ideas people gave me when they private messaged me, thank you for whoever took their time to think and share these ideas with me

This one came straight from this book and instead I would like to talk about it here (so everyone can see it instead of just that one person)

"We can have French, Spanish, Korean translations into the petiton"

I love this idea, we're trying to get everyone in and this is a smart way to do it.

This also helped me come up with an idea, we can have translated announcements in different languages and get everyone else (Ik there was a few people that translated the thingy and I say thank you)

But if we have more in different languages everywhere then we can get more people

I shall add to the English petition a few other languages


Is YouTube videos

This one was really just a conversation between me and another wattpader in the private messages but it gave me the idea to write this.

We could go to famous wattpader channels (there are a bunch of people, I think you can search them up) or just normal famous channels and post the links of the petition and this book there

That'll give us more of Wattpad range on YouTube also


This came a person but I can't find their exact quote so I'll just paraphrase here

We could ask people to submit feedback tickets so it could overwhelm the system and wattpad could see this book

This is an awesome idea, if we get the book noticed so does the petition.


This one came from earlier on but it still gives the same meaning

We could post the link of the book and petition in the wattpad books 

This is a great idea, I'm so glad we used this one earlier on (now I'm kinda giving a full summary of where these ideas came from)


This one was used also earlier on in the chapter (but I'll bring notice to it too)

It was to use the hashtags of 




I would love to see some more ideas of some hashtags here (short and sweet, they can't be too complicated or too long) —————>

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