
455 38 40

Hey everybody,

Off to today, sorry that I've been posting late in the days, I have a bunch of work (and still do; a packet right next to me as I write this)

Yesterday I have gotten an idea to spread to fandoms and I think it's a good idea.

This idea has also gotten me the idea to spread to online artist and groups (chats or smth)

We have already gone to the news/FCC + KCC/famous people/youtubers/and many more

Now let's move onto the fandoms and others, if we could go into these and spread the word the petition could gain more traction

We've already spent our time on complaints, now it's time to get the petition popular again. The petition hasn't really been talked about in these few chapters so I will

Only 2,543 more supporters to the next goal!

101,550 petition views

14,839 petition shares

$592 contributed (70 donating promoters)

736 people signed this week, it sounds like a lot but we have decreased by 500 signatures (last week we had around 1,300+ signatures)

So you guys should know what to do now, people might think that it's over since the pms are gone but it's not. Remind the people that we are still fighting for what we want

Remind Wattpad will you're at it 

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