
261 37 28

Hi, I think from last chapter I talked about a person who left wattpad (Jeonffs205)

I just learned from unidentified sources (that will never be identified) that wattpad had deleted their account

But they don't even know why it happened

I'm not saying anymore than what I got there but are you fucking serious wattpad?

Wattpad, you can mess with me. You can delete my book, my petition messages, my petition from wattpad, and you can even delete my account. But don't go after my friends. 

Just don't.

Tag wattpad here ——>

I don't really know what's happening right now with the petition, it's still going up...just slowly

We're at 8.6k+ right now (so close to 10k)

$428 contributions (with 54 promoters from this)

71,040 petition views 

11, 948 petition shares

Right now being organized doesn't matter.

We NEED the news on this case, we NEED famous YouTubers talking about this, we NEED so much more signatures.

We have gotten a few articles from two different people (one of them I don't like but that's my opinion and it's still spreading the word out)




Try to get the janesmithwrites lady to write more, it was an idea given and I have to use it. Spam her also and try to get her the help us even more about the petition.

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