
242 40 61

Hello, today I just need a count of people for something (there are two parts of this)

So first I need everyone to comment the language you speak in (or what people usually speak)

I need this because I want some accuracy in what I'm going to add and change in the petition

Comment here your language —————>

Now I'm going to assign different jobs (I feel like this is getting a bit messy) 

But I'm assigning more of groups

This group is going to be trying to get the news (spamming etc.) —->

This group is going to be trying to get Wattpad on here/the petition —->

This group is going to be sending links to the petition every website ——>

If you have any questions on what to do in these three groups (or want to help with something different) then just pm me.

Also, I'm not assigning a group for ideas because I feel like anyone can make ideas (if you have any just pm me)

That's it for now.

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