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Hello everybody,

Many of you had made complaints, correct?

Well, I want you to do it again (if you have the time)

I also want you to tag people/friends and random users here ——>

Trying to get Wattpad on here isn't worth our time anymore, they see it but they're just ignoring it

I also want you to place any ideas here —->

Getting ideas from you guys is pretty much what runs this show, and maybe that weirdo was right, I haven't been thanking you guys

Thank you guys for wanting to continue this, to deal with all of this, shows all the more that we aren't just people or friends, we are family.

This was pretty much it for this chapter (I know- short)

And this is going to be the last personal chapter, I feel like these past few days I have been telling things that aren't really related with the petition or the private messages, so as from now on I'll be keeping it to myself 

I know this was a bit short but it was just that kind of chapter

Have a good day everyone, Thor out

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