This Means War

254 37 42

This is what a few people got from wattpad, it's annoying me now,

"Please stop spamming the Ambassadors profile with links.

You are absolutely allowed your views on this, but as has already been noted, spamming the Ambassadors will not change anything as they are volunteers and Wattpad will not pay attention to profiles that are not directly run by them.

If you wish to complain then please do so direct to Wattpad via the Help Pages.

Your links will all be removed. If you post any more then your profile will be passed to our trust and safety team for their inspection.

Thank you"

So Wattpad does see us, they see our links, our posts. Everything.

This is literal evidence that they're choosing to ignore us, they know about the petition and yet don't say anything. They think that's gonna help them with their update, silence people by then.


Fucking god no (I've been cursing so much in the latest sorry lol)

We won't spam links on the Ambassadors, got it. I don't want people to lose their accounts or whatever they do from this.

Someone's account has been deleted by wattpad, now they want to do this.

Wattpad is going so far to make it seem like it's nothing but just giving us more evidence to keep on going.

So I want you to give the links out to everyone, everyone you know, on every site. We're not stopping, not when we've come so far.

Wattpad, this is for you.

We will not stop. We will not tolerate this. I will not tolerate this. 

Send your worst upon me, I've said it a million times. I've said this over and over and yet you're going after everyone else.

No, I'm done with this shit. I'm done with wattpad ignoring us like this.

Tag wattpad here and raise hell upon them ——->

(Another chapter in a few minutes)

Wattpad Banning Private MessagingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora