3.12 (three in one)

106 3 6

Wu Chengfeng got up early in the morning and couldn't help but feel excited when he thought of what happened last night.

He spent half the night thinking about it and felt that he was going to be single.

Miao Zhen's recent behavior seems to be chasing him, and she must like him.

He was also sure that he was also interested in Miao Zhen.

Start small, stay true to your soul.

This is like loving each other, and the two arrows secretly falling in love with each other.

Wu Chengfeng felt sweet just thinking about it!

It was rare for him to wash himself carefully and make himself clean when he was not going out.

He remembered that Miao Zhen seemed to be looking at him dumbfounded last night.

He remembers laughing a little.

Wu Chengfeng recalled how he felt last night, tried several smiles in the mirror, and successfully imitated yesterday's smile.

It's stable, this wave is stable.

Wu Chengfeng dug out the condoms in the drawer and placed them beside the bed within reach.

He opened the box and looked at it. It was a pack of six pills.

He has no experience and doesn't know if it's enough.

If it's not enough, use the original one.

Xiaoyun called them to eat in the restaurant.

Wu Chengfeng ran out in a hurry.

Miao Zhen, who was in the rental house opposite, just opened the door and came out.

Wu Chengfeng found that Miao Zhen's eyes were a little dark and blue, and it seemed that he had not slept well.

He quite understands.

After all, Miao Zhen is a monk, and there is a Buddha statue in the house.

It felt like a good student falling in love in front of the dean. It was normal to be stressed.

Wu Chengfeng observed Miao Zhen's expression, and his heart sank when he saw his expression was calm.

Don't let this monk go back and speculate all night, and suddenly want to be with the Buddha again.

While Miao Zhen was closing the door with his backhand, there was no place to hide.

Wu Chengfeng suddenly leaned over, hugged Miao Zhen and kissed him hard on the cheek.

In fact, he aimed at the mouth, but he was afraid of scaring Miao Zhen.

If the humanoid weapon was frightened and subconsciously fought back, he would probably become a paraplegic.

His timing was good, and Miao Zhen really didn't dodge.

When Wu Chengfeng saw that Miao Zhen was stunned by his kiss, he bit the other half of his face again.

Then before Miao Zhen struggled, he took the initiative to let go and retreat.

He gave Miao Zhen a bright and warm smile.

Miao Zhen's expression went blank for a moment, his eyes flickered, and he looked a little dazed.

As soon as Wu Chengfeng saw him open his eyes, he knew that his little trick was effective.

He put his arm around Miao Zhen's shoulders and dragged him directly to the restaurant.

Xiaoyun was busy eating, raising her eyes from time to time to secretly look at the two of them.

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