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Can you go away?
And leave me be for once
I'm getting tired of you
Barging into my life without my permission

The crevices, the little space in between
I'm tired of it!
And I've been telling you this for a while now

Yet, here you are
You're still doing it!
"Come on!" You say
But what if I don't want to?
I want to stay put

Months later, you have begun to finally
Do as I wish
I'm ecstatic! You're away
And life has never been better

There's nothing-
Better than this!
I'm sure that this feeling is forever
I was right all along

I'm leaving the nest,
I've been under your roof
And I'm trapped
In a cage
But now, there's nothing stopping me from flying
You cry, I sigh
But life is always changing
It's inevitable, after all

And now I'm writing this,
Wishing you never left me alone
Wishing you held me tight
And said,
"Come on!" to me once more
Because now,
It's too late

And the last goodbye I ever had said
Was that fateful day
Where I flew from the nest

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