Where Do We Go From Here?

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Where do we go from here?
When you're at the top,
The pinnacle
Is there anything you can do left?

Sure, you can continue what you're doing
After all, it's what you got there
In the first place.

But, that's just it
You're left empty
Wanting more, but don't ask for too much
You have everything
That somebody could want
And anything more
Makes you look

Where we do we go from here?
When you're left alone
At the top.
You've done everything it takes to get there
And it pays off!
That's great, but without room for improvement
You'll be stuck
Rotting away

Is that the lifestyle I would want?
The fame, the money, the respect I'd hold
Probably not
That's easy for me to say now, stuck
Laying at home
And when handed the opportunity
I'd probably go back on my word
Funny, isn't it?

And to answer the question:
You don't.

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