Chapter 8

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It turned out that the colonel's wife was named Darlene, and she really seemed to take a shine toward me. She went to the kitchen to grab me a can of Coke and poured out the contents into a large glass filled with ice. Then she brought it to me as if I were an important customer at some fancy restaurant.

After that, Darlene snuggled up next to me and began stroking my thigh. So what can I tell you? I got an erection, and I think she noticed because she kept giggling.

She said, "Well, I'm happy to meet you, too."

I tried pushing away, but she just kept scooting over in order to maintain contact.

I glanced at Officer Ken. However, he just shrugged his shoulders and turned on the television to watch Fox News.

She said, "Tell me about your mother? I bet she loves you very much."

I changed the subject. "I'm really sorry about striking your husband. I don't deserve all this kindness. To be honest, it kind of makes me feel even more ashamed of my poor conduct."

Ken said, "You should feel ashamed. That means you might actually have a soul. I've been dealing with devils all my life. And trust me. Those assholes are shameless."

"Now don't be too hard on the boy. Sometimes, even I have the urge to punch the colonel." She giggled again. "But it's different for me. I have the right to give him a good pounding every once in a while. After all, I am his wife."

I cleared my throat. "You have a lovely house."

"Don't change the subject. I want to hear about your mother. Does she have a job?"

I shook my head from side to side. "Mom's never worked in her life. She mainly stays home and cleans."

"So she's a housewife just like me?"

"That's right. A housewife."

"I bet it's going to break her heart when she finds out you've been expelled."

I took a sip of Coke. "Not as much as you might think. See, I only went to Saint Mary's because the school covered my tuition. But now that my dad's been fired, I would've been kicked out anyway. So most of Mom's fury will be directed at him. If the truth be known, I don't think she cares one way or the other about my academic progress."

I never enjoyed talking about my mother because I absolutely hated the woman with a passion. All she did all day was mop and vacuum like a mindless coolie. I shouldn't be so hard on her due to her mental illness. She was one of those ladies who is terribly afraid of dirt and grime. Our apartment was so clean that you could literally eat ice cream off the bathroom floor. Yet she never had a pleasant word for anyone.

Back when I was twelve years old, my dad gave me a puppy for my birthday. But the poor unsuspecting beast took a shit in the living room, and my bitch of a mother went crazy. She stuck the dog in the closet for the next three months, only letting him out from time to time. The poor thing nearly scratched a hole through the door. Finally, it died from sitting in the dark too long. And that was Mom in a nutshell. A real first-rate cunt.

Darlene said, "Johnny, if you were my boy, I'd never let you out of my sight. I can see right away that you're special."

Before I could respond, the door flew open. The colonel had finally arrived.

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