Chapter 16

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The Knight's Court Estate came with a couple of barbecue pits and several picnic tables which were located under a small grove of pine trees. The location was empty, so I sat by my lonesome in order to collect my thoughts. And you guessed it. Soon, the voice in my head returned with a vengeance. It spoke with great authority.

Johnny, stop hitting things with your fists. No people. No walls. No windows. No cabinets. Get control of your anger, and quit being such a fool. Your time on earth is short.

I said, "How can I possibly get control of my anger? You're requesting the impossible."

Don't ask questions, and just do what you're told.

Fear was beginning to shrink my testicles. I could tell that the speaker wasn't too pleased with my antics.

I said, "OK. I get it. I'll follow your orders. There's no reason to get all pissed off."

Suddenly, my head was clear again, and this was followed by a profound sense of peace. So I relaxed at the picnic table enjoying the sun for a good ten minutes. Then a camera crew showed up out of the blue, and a handsome guy with a microphone named Ted Addleman started asking me questions.

He said, "Are you Johnny Selleck?"

"Yes, that's me, Ted. And I have to admit that I'm a little starstruck. I see you on the local news all the time."

He waved to his crew. "Make sure you get my good side. It looks like Johnny is willing to play ball. He's a fan." He then focused his attention on me. "Well, Johnny, are you willing to play ball?"

"Play ball? I'm not quite following."

"If I ask you a few questions, would you agree to answer them honestly? I can make you a star. Trust me. It'll do wonders for your love life."

I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. "Sure. Why not?"

Ted turned to the camera. "This is Ted Addleman with MBC news, and I'm standing here with a local teenager named Johnny Selleck. My sources tell me that Johnny was one of the last people to see war hero Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Bradley alive." Then he looked at me. "Is it true that you struck the colonel with your fist yesterday while you were at school?"

I swallowed hard. "Yes, to my great shame."

"And why did you hit him? After all, he only had one leg."

"I dunno. I regret my actions, but something just came over me. Anger."

"And are you feeling angry now? Should I be worried?"

I grinned weakly at the camera. "No, I'm fine. Nobody is in any danger."

"Is it true that the colonel invited you to his home yesterday afternoon to eat supper and bury the hatchet?"

I nodded. "That's correct."

"And then shortly after your arrival, he died of a bullet wound to the head?"

I cleared my throat nervously. "Not shortly after. It's not quite as dramatic as you're making it out to be. His wife served dinner before the colonel took his own life. We also had a long conversation in his living room. He was telling me how to become successful when I get older."

"So it was a suicide? That's what you're claiming?"

"I'm not claiming anything. It's true. There are other witnesses to the tragedy."

"Then you're not the guy who killed him?"

I never answered the question. Instead, I jumped to my feet and ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I was a terrific athlete back then. As I told you before, I was considered one of the best pound-for-pound wrestlers in the entire state of Louisiana. There was no way in hell that those assholes were going to catch me.

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