Chapter 18

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Darlene turned to Buckhauser. "Would you mind waiting in the guest room, General?"

He smiled like the cat who had just eaten the canary. "That would suit me just fine. You'll find me in the closet, sweetheart."

I said, "The closet?"

She gave him a dirty look. "Don't you pay him any mind. He has a strange sense of humor. That's why nobody laughs at his jokes."

He winked at her. "Don't you believe it, Johnny. They always laugh at my jokes. I'm a fucking general, so they have to laugh whether they want to or not."

And with that said, he sauntered off down the hallway.

Then Darlene focused her attention on me. "You really like my tits, don't you, Johnny?"

Her brazen words made me blush with embarrassment. "Huh?"

She took a puff from her cig. "Look at you! Your face is so red. But that's OK. You don't have to be shy around me."

"It's true. You have a very nice body."

"That's quite a compliment coming from such a handsome young man. I wasn't kidding when I said that you looked like Paul Newman."

"I don't even know who Paul Newman is."

She changed the subject back to her melons. "I notice that you are always staring at my breasts. Would you like to see them?"

I nodded sheepishly.

She ruffled my hair and snuffed out her Marlboro in a nearby ashtray. Then she took off her shirt and removed her bra. Her nipples were huge and pink and beautiful, and my dick was so hard that I thought I might actually float up to the ceiling.

"Do you want to touch them?"

I nodded again.

She laughed out loud. "Then go ahead. Take what you want, Johnny. You don't always have to wait for an invitation."

I immediately grabbed her tits with my hands and started sucking on them like a hungry child. She let out a series of soft moans and put her arm around my shoulders. Then she began kissing the top of my head. I was in heaven.

After a couple of minutes, she cleared her throat. "Johnny, could you take a little break from your meal? I want to discuss something with you."

I looked up into her eyes. "Yes, Darlene?"

"General Buckhauser is a married man, and he's never cheated on his wife in an official sense."

"An official sense?"

"Well, he likes to watch me fuck guys while he's hiding in the closet. And he pays me good money. In fact, I get one hundred and fifty dollars an hour...which certainly isn't chump change. He pays even more if my lover is black. For some reason, that chocolate and vanilla stuff really floats his boat."

I was shocked by her words. "Christ, the old dude is a pervert? He seemed so nice when I was talking to him."

She sighed heavily. "I wouldn't call him a pervert. It's not as if he's hurting anybody. And it gives me an opportunity to make some extra cash while having a good time." She sighed again. "I think I might actually be a nymphomaniac."

"A nymphomaniac? Is that some sort of disease?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't think so. It simply means that I like getting fucked by attractive men." There was an uncomfortable pause. "Would you mind helping me out today?"

"So were going to have sex for the general?"

"That's the idea. But you won't even see him. Plus he doesn't make any noise when he jerks off. He's very discrete."

A warm pleasant feeling passed throughout my body. "Darlene, I think I'm up for the job. Furthermore, I don't have to show up for my shift at Walmart until four p.m. So I definitely have the time."

She kissed me on the lips and slipped me some tongue. "That's wonderful. But let's go over a few rules first."

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