Chapter 32: Bound by Duty: The Arranged Marriage

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The atmosphere at Tipsy Terrace was relaxed as Adam Rayle, Maxim Collin, Dom Kennedy, and Johnny Lee sat together, sipping on their drinks. Maxim turned to Johnny with a concerned expression. "So, Johnny, do you have any plans regarding your arranged marriage with Hershey Kendrich?" he inquired.

Johnny leaned back in his chair, his brow furrowed with uncertainty. "Honestly, I'm not sure yet. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole situation," he admitted.

Adam chimed in with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Johnny. We're here to help you figure things out. After all, we're more than just a group - we're like brothers," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Dom nodded in agreement. "That's right. We've got your back, Johnny. Whatever you decide, we'll support you," he added.

Johnny felt a surge of gratitude for his friends' unwavering support. "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it," he said, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.

The following morning, the Kendrich and Lee families gathered together for a special dinner to celebrate the proposed arranged marriage between Johnny and Hershey. However, tensions simmered beneath the surface as Johnny expressed his reservations about the arrangement.

"I don't think an arranged marriage is the best idea, Mom, Dad," Johnny voiced his concerns, his eyes searching for understanding.

Hershey nodded in agreement, her gaze meeting Johnny's. "I have to agree with Johnny. I don't think forcing us into marriage is the right solution," she added, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Goergeña Kendrich, Hershey's mother, sighed heavily. "Hershey, you need to understand that this marriage is crucial for our family's financial stability. The Lee family has been gracious enough to offer their assistance, and we can't afford to turn it down," she explained, her tone pleading.

Magnum Kendrich, Hershey's father, echoed his wife's sentiments. "This is an opportunity for us to secure our family's future, Hershey. You need to consider the bigger picture," he urged, his voice firm.

Hershey couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her. "But how can I marry someone I don't love, Dad? How can I make this work?" she questioned, her voice tinged with desperation.

Avery Lee, Johnny's mother, attempted to assuage Hershey's doubts. "Love will come in time, Hershey. You just have to be open to it," she reassured her, her tone gentle.

Leighton Lee, Johnny's father, chimed in with his own perspective. "Sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the greater good. Hershey, you have an opportunity to save your family's company. Don't let it slip away," he advised, his voice earnest.

Feeling overwhelmed, Hershey excused herself from the table and sought out Johnny for a private conversation. As they stepped outside the restaurant, Hershey couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency.

"Johnny, we need to talk. Do you have any plans to stop this marriage from happening?" she asked, her eyes searching his for answers.

Johnny shook his head, his expression troubled. "I wish I had a plan, Hershey. But right now, I'm just as lost as you are," he admitted, his voice tinged with frustration.

Meanwhile, in a nearby gym, Julian Whiter stumbled upon the lifeless body of his friend, Akira Jennings. Shocked and panicked, Julian immediately called Luna and Maxim for help.

Upon arriving at the scene, Luna and Maxim wasted no time in launching their investigation. They questioned Akira's family and friends, searching for any clues that might lead them to the truth.

Their investigation led them to Hershey Kendrich, but she denied any involvement in Akira's death. They also questioned Johnny Lee, but found no evidence to suggest his guilt.

As Luna and Maxim continued their search for answers, they uncovered a damning piece of evidence that pointed to Magnum Kendrich as the true culprit.

In the interrogation room, Magnum Kendrich's facade crumbled as Luna and Maxim pressed him for answers. "Why did you do it, Magnum? Why did you kill Akira?" Luna demanded, her voice filled with righteous anger.

Magnum's confession sent shockwaves through the room as he revealed his true motivations. "He was an obstacle, a threat to my plans. I couldn't let him ruin everything," he admitted, his voice laced with remorse.

With Magnum's confession, Luna and Maxim had all the evidence they needed to arrest him for his heinous crime. As Magnum was led away in handcuffs, Hershey approached Akira's grieving family with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry for what my father has done. Please, let justice be served," she pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion.

Akira's family found it in their hearts to forgive Hershey, understanding that she was not responsible for her father's actions. As they embraced her in a show of solidarity, Hershey felt a weight lift off her shoulders, knowing that she was not alone in her grief.

As Luna and Maxim reflected on the case, they were reminded once again of the complexity of human nature and the lengths some would go to protect their own interests. But they also found solace in knowing that justice had been served and that Akira's memory would live on in the hearts of those who loved him.

And so, with heavy hearts and a renewed sense of purpose, Luna and Maxim vowed to continue fighting for truth and justice, no matter where their investigations may lead them.

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