Chapter 34: Stories of Legacy and Resolve"

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Arthur's voice boomed over the bustling party, capturing everyone's attention. "My son Kies and my daughters Shanaia and Luna are my heirs," he declared, his words echoing in the grand hall. His wife beamed with pride at his announcement, while the businessmen in attendance nodded approvingly, recognizing the significance of Arthur's words. Luna, Shanaia, and Kies, overwhelmed with gratitude, exchanged glances of disbelief and appreciation amidst the congratulatory murmurs filling the room.


In the intimate setting of the Kendrich and Lee family study, a solemn atmosphere hung thick in the air. Hershey, her voice tinged with a mixture of relief and sadness, broke the heavy silence. "I never thought I'd say this, but maybe it's for the best that Dad's in prison," she admitted, her eyes betraying the turmoil within.

Georgeña, her heart aching for her daughter, reached out with a gentle touch. "I understand, Hershey. It's a difficult situation for all of us," she offered, her voice soft with empathy. "But we must uphold the commitment we made regarding your marriage."

Johnny, his frustration evident in the furrow of his brow, couldn't help but voice his dissent. "But why should we have to sacrifice our happiness for a deal our parents made?" he questioned, his tone tinged with defiance.

Hershey, her resolve unwavering, echoed Johnny's sentiment. "Exactly! My heart isn't a pawn in some game," she declared firmly, her gaze unwavering.

Leighton, Johnny's father and the head of the Lee family, observed the tension in the room with a heavy heart. "I can see how difficult this is for both of you," he acknowledged, his voice laced with empathy. "But know this: you are not shackled by our arrangement. Your happiness comes first."

Hershey and Johnny exchanged a glance, a glimmer of hope lighting up their eyes. "Thank you, Tito," Hershey whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

"Yeah, thank you," Johnny added, his relief palpable.

Avery, Leighton's wife, offered a warm smile. "We're here to support you both, no matter what," she assured them, her sincerity shining through.

Georgeña, her heart swelling with pride for her daughter, spoke up, her voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, everyone. Your understanding and support mean the world to us," she expressed, her appreciation overflowing.

And as the night wore on, the Kendrich and Lee families found strength in their unity, knowing that together, they could overcome any obstacle that lay ahead.


In the bustling office of their family's company, Maxim Collin and his cousin Maxwell found themselves engaged in a tense conversation. Maxim, eager to mend their strained relationship for the sake of the company, spoke up first.

"I know, Maxwell, that we haven't always seen eye to eye," Maxim began, his tone measured yet earnest. "But for the sake of our company, I hope we can put our differences aside while we're working together."

Maxwell, his ambition burning brightly in his eyes, met Maxim's gaze head-on. "Fine," he conceded, his voice tinged with a hint of defiance. "But make no mistake, Maxim. I have my sights set on becoming the next CEO."

Maxim nodded, a sense of determination coursing through his veins. "That's fair, Maxwell. I'll give it my all as well," he replied, his words laced with a quiet resolve. "And I truly hope we can do so without any further arguments."

With that, Maxwell turned on his heel and strode out of the office, leaving Maxim to ponder the uncertain future that lay ahead. As he watched his cousin's retreating figure, Maxim couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that, despite their differences, they would find a way to work together for the greater good of the company.


As Maxim immersed himself in the tasks laid out before him, he was interrupted by the approach of his uncle, Ram Collin. Ram's presence brought a sense of familiarity and comfort amidst the chaos of the office.

"Maxim, did you happen to see Maxwell?" Ram inquired, his brow furrowed with concern.

Maxim nodded, offering a reassuring smile. "Yes, uncle, we spoke earlier," he confirmed, his voice calm and collected.

Ram's expression softened at Maxim's response. "Ah, I see. Was he giving you trouble again about the company?" he asked, his tone tinged with a hint of worry.

Maxim shook his head, eager to dispel any concerns. "No, uncle, we were just having a discussion," he explained, hoping to put Ram's mind at ease.

Ram let out a relieved sigh, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Don't worry, Maxim. You and Maxwell will work things out. Just be patient with him," he advised, his voice gentle yet firm.

Maxim nodded gratefully, a sense of gratitude swelling within him. "Thank you, uncle," he replied, his heart lightened by Ram's words of encouragement.

As Ram turned to leave, Maxim couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of optimism. With his uncle's support and guidance, he knew that he and Maxwell would find a way to overcome their differences and navigate the challenges that lay ahead, together.

Chasing Shadows: Luna and Maxim's Pursuit of TruthOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara