Chapter 35: Night's Embrace: A Beacon of Intense

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In the bustling airport terminal, Maxim Collin's heart raced with anticipation as he waited for the one person he had been longing to see. Every passing moment felt like an eternity until, finally, Luna emerged from the crowd, a radiant beacon in the chaos.

Their eyes locked, and without a word, Luna rushed into Maxim's arms.

Maxim: "I've missed you more than words can say."

Luna: "I've missed you too, Maxim. So much."

Their embrace spoke volumes, a silent testament to the depth of their connection. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as they held each other close, the world around them fading into insignificance.


After their tender embrace at the airport, Luna McKelly and Maxim Collin arrived at Maxim's house, their hearts still dancing with the joy of being reunited. Maxim rang the doorbell, and Caroline, Maxim's mother, greeted them with a beaming smile.

Once inside, they found themselves in the comforting familiarity of Maxim's home, surrounded by warmth and love.

Maxim led Luna to the dining area, where they settled in, gazing at each other with affectionate eyes.

Maxim: "How was your visit to your family in California, Luna?"

Luna: "It was wonderful, but being here with you now feels like coming home."

Maxim's heart swelled with love at Luna's words.

Maxim: "And how about you, Luna? How have you been holding up here?"

Luna: "Every moment away from you felt like an eternity, but knowing that we're together again makes it all worth it."

Maxim reached across the table, gently taking Luna's hand in his own.

Maxim: "I'm grateful for every moment we share, Luna. You mean the world to me."

Luna's eyes shimmered with emotion as she squeezed Maxim's hand.

Luna: "And you mean everything to me, Maxim. I'll always be here for you."

Maxim leaned in closer, his voice barely a whisper but filled with unwavering devotion.

Maxim: "And I'll always be here for you, my love."

Their tender exchange filled the room with warmth, wrapping them in a cocoon of love and happiness as they embarked on this new chapter of their journey together.


One month had passed since Maxim and Luna's tender reunion, and on a quiet, cold night, Luna found herself walking alone on a bridge, lost in her thoughts. As she walked, she noticed two figures standing ahead, their faces obscured by masks. Intrigued, Luna slowed her pace, straining to hear their conversation.

The words she overheard sent a chill down her spine. They were talking about Maxim, and their intentions sounded sinister.

Man: "I don't like Maxim. We need to come up with a plan."

Friend: "What kind of plan?"

Man: "We need to get rid of him."

Luna's heart skipped a beat as she processed the gravity of their conversation. Without hesitation, she turned and fled from the scene, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

But her escape was short-lived. The two men spotted her and quickly gave chase, their footsteps echoing behind her. Luna's pulse quickened as she sprinted through the night, the sound of a van engine roaring to life behind her, closing in with every passing moment.


While Luna was able to run, she was accidentally run over by the van that was chasing her, the two suddenly got out of the van they were riding in and approached Luna.
the man asked one of his friend
"what are we going to do?"
his friend replied "throw it away?"
he replied "where"
his friend replied "where else are we on the bridge, right?"
it started again and said "hurry up,"
and they did throw Luna into the sea.
Is there still hope to find Luna? can he survive from the cold sea? or will someone special find him?

Chasing Shadows: Luna and Maxim's Pursuit of TruthWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt